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Thread: Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

    For some time now, I've been thinking about a project centred on Maggie's Centre in Dundee. If you don't know about Maggie's Centres, then look here -

    The Dundee Centre was designed by world-famous American architect, Frank Gehry. It is set alongside a landscape designed by Charles Jencks, Maggie's husband.

    This building meant a lot to me (it still does) for about a year in the period after Sheila died. A group of us, each in similar circumstances, met there every two weeks.

    In so many ways and at so many levels, it is indeed an amazing place.

    This is the first of a series of images of this building that I will post.

    As always, the image is posted here to invite your C & C. This is an example, I think, of the Canon 11-24 F4 L ultra wide angle lens coming into its own.

    Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

  2. #2

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    Re: Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

    Wonderful perspective that so instantaneously tells the story. It gives the impression that the sculpture could be either the size of a human or so large that you had to climb on a ladder.

    Once you've completed the series about this Maggie's Centre, consider making images of the others.

    Also consider making a donation of one of your photos of the Centre to the Centre. The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland is displaying the most important photo I've ever made. It's a photo of my nephew at 11 days old while in their NICU. He was not expected to live beyond his first day and is now thriving at 8 years old. When he was one year old I gave the framed photo to the hospital as a thank you for saving his life. When they built the new wing, they had to get special permission to hang it there, which they did.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 1st April 2017 at 03:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

    Nice shot.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

    Sounds a grand project, Donald, and your emotional input into it will no doubt add. I like the starkness of your first image and the interesting building. Initially my thoughts were that the sky could do with some added drama, however the lightness of the sky shows up the dark figure to good effect. I look forward to seeing more!

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    The Dundee Centre was designed by world-famous American architect, Frank Gehry.
    Kind of - he was born in Toronto, Canada and moved to the USA with his family when he was 18. He is a dual Canadian / American citizen.

  6. #6
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    . . .This is an example, I think, of the Canon 11-24 F4 L ultra wide angle lens coming into its own. . .

    Importantly noted too, for a lens that wide to "come into its own" requires skilled use.

    Good shoot. Emotive. Execution of Foreground :: Background is sublime. Agree with Mike's comments there. Grey tone range is excellent.


    the image is posted here to invite your C & C.
    Did you crop about equally from both sides - or more from the RHS?

    I am curious about the (actual) shape of the back of the head of the Sculpture and that shape's relevance/relationship to the choice of Camera Elevation? Wondering if the camera should be higher.

    I once made a series of Photographs of Norman Lindsay's Statues: I had a few difficult moments choosing between keeping the integrity of actual shape of a Statue when, as two dimensional print that shape appeared 'odd'.


  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

    Quite a good start to what hopefully become a photo essay!

    I remember how I felt when my late wife became terminally ill when her cancer reoccurred. Having support was critical to me at the time...

  8. #8
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Kind of - he was born in Toronto, Canada and moved to the USA with his family when he was 18. He is a dual Canadian / American citizen.
    My apologies to Canada.

  9. #9
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

    Thank you for all your comments. Helpful as always.

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    Did you crop about equally from both sides - or more from the RHS?
    With the Canon 5DS you can set the viewfinder (or LCD screen) to a number of formats; e.g. 1:1; 16:9; 4:3., so that what you see as you look is an image in that format. In viewfinder view, the sides and top and bottom and blacked out. So, the great advantage of that is that I can compose my 1:1 images precisely in camera. Therefore, the answer to the question, given that the 5DS centres the format view on the centre of the viewfinder, is that this was cropped equally from both sides of the full frame, but in-camera.

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    I am curious about the (actual) shape of the back of the head of the Sculpture and that shape's relevance/relationship to the choice of Camera Elevation? Wondering if the camera should be higher.
    What is really interesting about this is that there is indeed a bit of distortion brought about the UWA lens. What that does is drop the right hand shoulder a bit and, to my eyes, push forward the right arm as if it was about to be extended out towards the building. That was perfect for my purpose. An effect is probably to distort the shape of the head slightly.

    And yes, as suggested, the choice of camera elevation was one of the most challenging decisions in composing this picture. As William has (kindly) suggested, using this lens requires a little bit of thought and skill. Moving the tripod only a few centimetres/inches can make an enormous difference to the composition. And that includes the height of the camera as well (or perhaps 'especially'). So composing the image takes quite a lot of time. Well, it takes me quite a lot of time ... and I don't hurry it.

  10. #10
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    . . .With the Canon 5DS you can set the viewfinder (or LCD screen) to a number of formats; e.g. 1:1; 16:9; 4:3.,
    Didn’t know that feature. Thanks. I think I am another step closer to spending money.


    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    What is really interesting about this is that there is indeed a bit of distortion brought about the UWA lens. . . (etc)
    . . . the choice of camera elevation . . .
    . . . it takes me quite a lot of time ... and I don't hurry it.

    I recently bought a Samyang 14mm F/2.8, but playing at FL = 11mm would be so challenging and ever so rewarding.

    You have prompted me to start this thread.


  11. #11

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    Re: Maggie's, Dundee - The start of a project?

    Good use of the lens, the statue and the tonal values in mono Donald. The statue points the way and the lighter tones of the building capture the eye when you get there. A nice composition all round. I look forward to the rest of the story.

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