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Thread: When Things get 'Retired'

  1. #1
    James G's Avatar
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    When Things get 'Retired'

    I took a trip up to Norh Wales a couple of weeks back to revisit a decommississioned lighthouse, Talacre, at Point of Ayr, Deeside, and also to take a look at an old cruise liner that is laid up a few miles away at Mostyn Quay.

    The lighhouse was decommissioned about 20 years ago, but is still a 'feature' of the local landscape'

    In it's day, the Duke of Lancaster was a luxury cruise liner. For the last 20 years or so it has been laid up and various 'entrepreneurs' have tried, and failed, to develop it for leisure purposes.

    I've known about it for a long time and always intended to take a looksee...

    #1 Talacre Lighthouse

    When Things get 'Retired'

    When Things get 'Retired'

    #3 Duke of Lancaster

    When Things get 'Retired'


    When Things get 'Retired'


    When Things get 'Retired'

  2. #2
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    An interesting set of photos. Am I correct that work is actively been done on her exterior paintwork?

  3. #3

    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    There was a really good documentary on TV not so long ago... it might have been one of the Coast series I think and looked at the decline of the holiday palaces like the Butlins ones. It's interesting to see that the ship is still actually there. Can one go aboard her?

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    Nice series.

  5. #5
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    Am I correct that work is actively been done on her exterior paintwork?
    There were people there working on the ship and they did seem to be painting or 'sealing' rust. I understand that despite the external deterioration the interior of the ship is in good condition.

    Can one go aboard her?
    At presnt no, although I'm trying to contact the 'owners' to see if I can get access... derelicts of any sort interest me.

    You are right by the way Trev, it was this ship that was featured in the Coast series (although I didn't see it myself).

    The attached link is to a Wikipaedia article about the ship. It's a sad history in some ways, but there are still hopes of a new life for it.

    Here are a few more that I've shot over the years....

    #6 Carlingford Lough

    When Things get 'Retired'

    #7 Auld Wrecks, Galway Harbour

    When Things get 'Retired'

    #8 Ina McBain, Baltimore W.Cork

    When Things get 'Retired'

    #8 And its not just Boats.. though this Tractor does seem to be 'cared for' alittle more
    When Things get 'Retired'

    #9 and who knows... maybe with a little TLC

    When Things get 'Retired'

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    I like when an image or series of images fires my imagination and sets my thinking off on another tack.

    These images have done exactly that. Apart from that of the lighthouse with two people running out of the edge of the frame, they are all really good images.

  7. #7
    bje07's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    I like when an image or series of images fires my imagination and sets my thinking off on another tack.

    These images have done exactly that. Apart from that of the lighthouse with two people running out of the edge of the frame, they are all really good images.
    and for me the lighthouse is too centered.

  8. #8
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    ... Apart from that of the lighthouse with two people running out of the edge of the frame, they are all really good images.
    Interesting! I find that the two people leaving the scene and the emptiness surrounding the derelict lighthouse in the centre of the picture really emphasize the feeling of abandonment. I too like all the other images but find that one particularly good.

  9. #9
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    There was a really good documentary on TV not so long ago... it might have been one of the Coast series I think and looked at the decline of the holiday palaces like the Butlins ones. It's interesting to see that the ship is still actually there. Can one go aboard her?
    Yes, I actually saw the TV programme -- and forgot about it till Trev mentioned it.

  10. #10
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    +1 to André. He beat me to commenting there (I am always late..) I like the second lighthouse too. I also like the footsteps leading to it and the two people leaving, the story there being, those two did not like what they saw or feel while they were there. I maybe wrong but I think there is only set of footsteps leading to the lighthouse but two people leaving. The rest of the pictures are also good but #7 gives me the goose pimples. It must be the decay unlike the others.

  11. #11
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    Thanks all,

    It just goes to show though, we all have a different 'take' on things. Andre's has more or less summed up why I left the two beach walkers in the lighthouse shot. In fact they had 'dithered' for ages, to the right of the shot. I wanted the image to include the footsteps towards the lighthouse but not them. I think they might have been having an argument and never even noticed me. When they eventually moves it was in the 'wrong' direction. I waited deliberately till they were almost out of the frame to take the shot because I'd started to see them as emphasising the remoteness of the scene.

    I have to be honest though and say I came very close to cropping them out. That's the joy of an image ....

    As regards the last image... it is spooky Izzie, and it did make me feel a bit weird which is why I took it. Part of the strangeness is all the conflicting message created by the various adverisments. Additionally it was taken in Armagh, Northern Ireland, a few years back.The city has always been a difficult place for me, given the 'Troubles' of the past. In some way, this bit of dereliction sums up the difficulies of moving on after 'hard' times.

  12. #12
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    Very nice but, sad captures...

  13. #13
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    very nice set of images

  14. #14

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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    Very nice set James The lighthouse images are too centered though

  15. #15
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    I too am a fan of lighthouses and old abandoned ships. Nicely done series.

    Seeing old ships on shore is a treat as most of the ones I have seen were underwater, either as the results of a natural disaster or an accident, although a few were in scuttled in "ship graveyards" in Lake Ontario.

  16. #16
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    These are great - I can feel a trip to North Wales coming on........ If you are ever down south, there is a very sad Pier in Southampton Water - Hythe Pier. Not quite abandoned (yet) but may add an interesting image to your set.
    I must also go and see if I can find that Coast program - must be one I have missed.

  17. #17
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: When Things get 'Retired'

    Quote Originally Posted by James G View Post
    Thanks all,

    It just goes to show though, we all have a different 'take' on things. Andre's has more or less summed up why I left the two beach walkers in the lighthouse shot. In fact they had 'dithered' for ages, to the right of the shot. I wanted the image to include the footsteps towards the lighthouse but not them. I think they might have been having an argument and never even noticed me. When they eventually moves it was in the 'wrong' direction. I waited deliberately till they were almost out of the frame to take the shot because I'd started to see them as emphasising the remoteness of the scene.

    I have to be honest though and say I came very close to cropping them out. That's the joy of an image ....

    As regards the last image... it is spooky Izzie, and it did make me feel a bit weird which is why I took it. Part of the strangeness is all the conflicting message created by the various advertisements. Additionally it was taken in Armagh, Northern Ireland, a few years back.The city has always been a difficult place for me, given the 'Troubles' of the past. In some way, this bit of dereliction sums up the difficulties of moving on after 'hard' times.
    Ammm.....did not mention the last shot -- it was #7 the auld wreck that has a note from a "passing fisherman" that spook me there before seeing the note attached. Your angle there really got to me.

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