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Thread: I like to keep a camera handy...

  1. #1

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    I like to keep a camera handy...

    I try to always have my P&S handy in case I see something neat. At a restaurant I moved my glass of water in front of the candle and liked the effect.

    I like to keep a camera handy...

    It's not high art but I like it.


  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: I like to keep a camera handy...

    Michael (Re your question posted elsewhere about threads being bumped, you will see that now that I have posted a reply, this thread will no longer be bumped.)

    Anyway, as to your picture.

    I love the idea and I love the effect on the lower part of the image. However, I'm finding the top part just a little bit too dark in that I was peering at it trying to sort out the shapes and what I was looking at. So, for me (and it is only one person's thoughts), a very slight dodge on the upper part of the glass would just bring up a little bit more definition which, I think, would strengthen the image. But you (and others) may well disagree.

  3. #3
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: I like to keep a camera handy...

    Yes, there's a lot to be said for having a point and shoot ready at hand. I'd love to buy the Canon SX60HS as a second camera but my piggy bank isn't quite full enough at the moment. This thread started by Trev is very useful on this issue: Two Approaches to long bird shots

  4. #4
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: I like to keep a camera handy...

    Michael, I echo what Donald said about the top of the shot being too dark. What do you use as a point & shoot camera? I'm in the market for a new one.

  5. #5

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    Re: I like to keep a camera handy...

    The purpose of the post was to draw attention to serendipity rather than the perfection (or lack thereof in my case) of the image. As you can tell I did no processing of the image - no dodging or burning. I just liked the effect and shared.

    Paul: S110.

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