Oops ... haven't done my picture for today yet!
Oops ... haven't done my picture for today yet!
Waiting.... Impatiently !
When I saw Peter's post I thought to myself "I know that calculator!". Most of you probably won't know this, but I'm told that I have somewhat of a calculator fetish (I deny it of course; I'd NEVER be unfaithful to my camera!), but thought you might enjoy a shot of just part of my collection (it's pretty much all I could fit on the table).
I collect a lot of HP calculators (including a couple that don't officially exist) - a lot of TI calculators, not to mention a bunch of oddball ones like Sinclair, Poo Bear, M&M, Chocolate, a Floppy Disk Calculator, one with keys for 0 to 15, a watch calculator, and a whole lot more
90% are functional. The ones that take AA, AAA, 9V batteries etc are fine - the ones that take button batteries are fine ... the "problem children" are the likes of the HP35 / HP45 etc with real old NiCad battery packs. One or two have issues with switches, but all in all they're all in good shape![]()
Calculator fetisists of the world unite!
I actually still use an HP41CX calculator daily. I refuse to give it up as it is still the best hand-held ever built. I started off with the legendary HP45 in 1973 and have worked through all the HP numbers (many of which I recognise fondly from your photograph) but finally settled on the 41CX. I now have 3 and when one breaks down I send it off to a mate in Sydney who cannibalises them and gets them working again. I have found out that there is a world-wide network of similar calculator nuts who refuse to give up their 41's. I have threatened to retire when my last 41 finally carks it.
Portia is a tad put out by some of the rather harsh comments on yesterday's PAD post and flatly refuses to pose for more photos. Sorry, Kay, but Jetstar will just no do for Portia. She insists (quite rightly in my view) in only travelling by sea - first class steamer, of course. And as for Pete's comments about 'Inflatable You", well, being of a polite disposition I am prevented from responding in kind. My neighbours! well, they are moving house. I can't imagine why, but hopefully, just to prove it, Portia and I will get a picture of the moving van for a future PAD.
Anyway, today's picture is of a Navy landing barge and some civic "art" on Trinity Inlet.
Very little time to take photos today and going out this evening to see Arthur Smith of 'Grumpy old men' fame...being picked up at 7...so 5 mins. left to get this post done...fat chance !
I don't like the picture (but gotta post something!) quite like the carnations....
Might try again and fiddle with the composition/ lighting/angle...well everything really...
Do you know, I think that I've been trying too hard. Just, ......trying too hard. After several hours of trying to capture the beauty of the foggy morning after the rain, I came back and my eye fell on this (I'd put them outside, last night, to keep them fresh so that I could do a special photo shoot of them in the morn). There they were - not manipulated - just a joy to see. Oh, yeah, that reminds me of why I like photography.... I'm thinking that, the next gorgeous morning we have, I'm just going to wrap myself up in a blanket and enjoy my coffee on the porch!
Last edited by Katy Noelle; 7th October 2010 at 06:48 PM. Reason: oops! wrong crop!
Not a patch on your artistic and colourful arrangement I'm afraid Katy...
Nikon D5000 + Nikon 70-300mm VR: 1/60s f/8 at 300mm iso1600 Av +1.5 EC
F11 and click image to see at 1600 x 955 px.
Say hello to Tasha; our fluffy cat, who lives on the lawn and only comes indoors for food - she'll sleep out there all night (and day), through any rain, but come the frosts and especially snow, then she'll move back into the house for winter!
This is full frame width with 300mm (on a crop factor body), but she still heard, and saw, me coming. By the time I got any closer, she was around my ankles waiting to be made a fuss of.