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I don't think you gave us enough information to evaluate this.
Did you shoot raw? Did you shoot with a neutral picture style, or whatever Nikon calls them?
I shoot Canon, so I don't know anything about the specifics of Nikons. However, in the case of Canon, the picture style is embedded in the raw file's exif information. The company's proprietary software reads it, and to give you a starting point, it applies to the raw file the same processing parameters it would use if you shot jpeg with that picture style. For example, if you picked a style with saturated colors, the proprietary software would impose that saturation in its initial rendering of the image. Of course, you could undo it.
This is not a matter of color accuracy. It's simply replicating the jpeg processing parameters.
When you import an image into Lightroom, the software doesn't read that information and apply those edits in initial rendering. I believe the software either includes or lets you download profiles that emulate the manufacturer's profiles. (I'm not at the right computer to check, but I know it used to offer this.) I see no reason to use them, as I don't particularly care for pre-set picture styles, but some people prefer to start with them.