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Thread: 2017 PROJECT 52, Second Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

  1. #81

    Join Date
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    Re: 2017 PROJECT 52, Second Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    If I had been shooting the #2 scene, Janis, I would have focused on the flying bird and allowed the others to get slightly soft; exactly as your image.

  2. #82
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: 2017 PROJECT 52, Second Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    If I had been shooting the #2 scene, Janis, I would have focused on the flying bird and allowed the others to get slightly soft; exactly as your image.
    Janis, if I may add to my original comment, I agree with Geoff. The key/action part of your image is the bird coming in for a landing. By having it in sharp focus, you direct attention to it.

  3. #83
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: 2017 PROJECT 52, Second Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    Ah yes, George, I loved those long graceful lines running down the barrrel of the telephoto lens I used on my old Pentax K1000 film camera (am I dating myself here?) and I do have a dof calculator on my phone that I used a bit when I first started shooting digital, but I guess I like doing things things the hard way...

    Sandy, thanks for your kind words. Yes, I had a great time. Hadn't been shooting for a while so spent the better part of an afternoon getting reacquainted with my camera.

    Geoff and Bruce, thanks for the validation. The shot appeals to me, but I was thinking I was going to catch flack for it. Silly me.

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