Beautifully done.
Cheers Ole
Andre, lovely image! Love the bright color against the black.
Lovely image!
Very nice, with natural light I suppose?
That is so very nice. Brightens my day.
This is how this kind of image should be done. Fabulous!
Thank you all for your comments.
The bright colours do stand out nicely against the black background. I had tried a white background but did not like the result. I have to give my wife the credit for arranging the flowers in the first place.
Jean - This was taken with natural light from a close by window early on an overcast day. Hence the 15 seconds exposure at f/14, ISO 100.
I am a bit surprised that the Easter Bunny's mischief has gone unnoticed so far.
Last edited by Round Tuit; 19th April 2017 at 12:57 AM. Reason: Correction
Loving the effect, I would suggest a courtship ritual?
The yellow egg on the right?
Nice capture.
Very nice with lovely colour and exposure spot on. Egg is yellow, with speckles, behind leftmost tulip, I'm pretty sure (is an egg the prize for the correct guess? )
Last edited by Davejl; 19th April 2017 at 08:39 AM.
I'd like to complain about the bunny being connected to Easter but hey! here in the States, it is all about eggs and egg hunts. I wonder why bunnies lay eggs in time for Easter. Maybe it is a culture thing. Nuf' said. Anyway, I like your flowers and the almost hidden egg at the left. They are colourful and fresh. All my tulips are now gone. The eggs at the front door with the chocolates inside them are now replaced by plants. Until next year...
" The custom of giving eggs at Easter celebrates new life. Christians remember that Jesus, after dying on the cross, rose from the dead. This miracle showed that life could win over death.
Easter Chick
For Christians the egg is a symbol of Jesus' resurrection, as when they are cracked open they stand for the empty tomb. No-one actually knows when eggs were first used as symbols at festival times but it was long before Jesus' time. Eggs were always thought to be special because although they do not seem alive, they have life within them especially at springtime when chicks hatch out."
Last edited by JBW; 20th April 2017 at 08:45 AM.
Thanks Izzie
Why would anybody want to complain about the poor Easter Bunny. He is just one of the myriad of weird and wonderful customs around the world to celebrate special occasions. Most don't make any sense today but they are all rooted in some tradition. Relax and enjoy.