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Thread: High Rigg - Cumbria

  1. #1
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    High Rigg - Cumbria

    Had a family day out on Monday but managed a 'proper' shot or two as we walked along...

    Not the best landscape weather but you get the idea of where we were. This is looking down Thirlmere valley soon after leaving the car and heading for the tops...
    High Rigg - Cumbria

    Lots of dry stone walls up on the fells to point a leading line into a picture...
    High Rigg - Cumbria

    Spotted this tree and old barn looking isolated so worked the image a little to emphasise the feeling...
    High Rigg - Cumbria

    Fuji X-T1 + XF18-55mm f2.8/4

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: High Rigg - Cumbria

    Nice series.

  3. #3
    Suzan J's Avatar
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    Re: High Rigg - Cumbria

    I confess that I had to google "Thirlmere Valley". I did not realize that the Lake District was somewhat in the middle of the country. For some reason, I thought it was further south. It is a place that I would definitely like to visit on my next trip to England. The landscape there really suits the black and white images. I particularly like the third image with the stark tree.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: High Rigg - Cumbria

    The landscape there really suits the black and white images.
    It is well documented fact that saturation falls off the further up the M6 you drive Suzan

    That's why Donald and Sharon shoot so much B&W, they're even further north

    (Dave ducks for cover )

    A good series Robin

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