Heirloom tomatoes. Did my thread title fool you?
I don't remember seeing tomatoes in so many colors, so I couldn't resist photographing them.
The tabletop is glossy black acrylic and the background is black velvet. A small continuous-light lamp above the scene on the right side is pointing downward. It is fitted with a sheet of diffusion material larger than the lamp hanging from the top of the lamp and forward of the bottom of it, which placed distance between the lamp and the diffusion material. That part of the setup creates larger direct reflections with softer edges on the tomatoes for a more pleasing effect than if the diffusion material had not been used or if there had been no space between the diffusion material and the lamp.
A flashlight on the left front side (not directly lighting the tomatoes) shining toward the rear and lighting a white reflector on the left is brightening that side of the scene. It is also lighting a white, handheld reflector behind and above the scene. That refletor is brightening the top of the greenish tomato in the upper center area to ensure separation between it and the background.
The droplets are 100% water sprayed with an atomizer.