You were in a Japanese festival...envious...ours here doesn't start until September, I think...I like the conversion, but I wonder what the colour version looks like? I was thinking that if this shot is not as large as the page, the shape of her face against the background will be almost the same colours. Maybe try to remove the line down her chin or something, will that make a difference with the separations? Just curious...
Hi Izzie,
Yes, this week is the local Cherry Blossom Festival, so far only been able to enjoy one day out of seven available as the weather hasn't exactly been cooperating. I've attached the color version, I like it as well as the B & W version; however there are more distractions which I feel were handled easily by converted. My other option would have been applying a vignette but I felt the woman didn't really need more attention applied to her form as she stands out so well. Thanks for commenting.
Both are very nice, John...sometimes it is hard for me to gauge when to convert to black and white and when to be content with the colour version. Like in this instance of your photograph, they are both the same to me just the different of colour. I do like them both.
Climbing stairs wearing geta (Japanese wooden soled shoes) is a challenge. I'm impressed by this young lady who is taking her life in her hands, so to speak. I have enough trouble walking on those on flat surfaces...
Hi John, I like both images but do prefer the color a bit more. I think the splash of cherry blossoms and the other folks taking them in helps to create a story better. She's in a hurry to get somewhere and needs to give or get some last minute instructions. I love the kimono and obi colors too and those shoes.
Hi John,
I was at that same venue 2 days earlier while the workers were still sprucing up for the event, and ran into a wedding shoot, no doubt one of many. Although it is quite a photogenic site, I've always had trouble with the marble; whether it's the grain pattern, color, weather streaks, or maybe just what to me is an uninteresting color. So your color version stands out - contrast against a rather plain hued background. And, I like that it shows action, and not just another shot of the blossoms, as beautiful as they are. All in all, a nice effort.
Thanks, John...very pretty...