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Thread: A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

  1. #1
    James G's Avatar
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    A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

    Conditions yesterday still very breezy, but a couple of interesting captures....

    #1 Green Lacewing, Chrysoperla carnea

    A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham


    A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

    #3 Holly Blue, Celestrina argiolus, male

    A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham


    A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham


    A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

    #6 White Bluebells...... (for Izzie )

    A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

    There were quite a few of these white bluebells and I was a bit surprised to see them. I understand that they are the result of cross breeding (accidental), between our native English variety and an introduced Spanish variety.

    Moseley Bog is a managed nature reserve and an SSI (site of Special Scientific Interest), with a number of rare/endangered flower species. While Bluebells are not exactly endangered, the hybrids are causing some concern since they are becoming much more prevalent around the country!
    Last edited by James G; 3rd May 2017 at 04:07 PM.

  2. #2
    JohnRostron's Avatar
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    Re: A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

    I find that in the Lacewing pics, #1 and #2, the detail is lost because of the background. In contrast, the pics of the Holly Blue, #3 and #4, are absolutely gorgeous!


  3. #3
    Rainforest's Avatar
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    Re: A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

    Fabulous detail, and thanks for the identification information. They are are wonderful - 2,3 and 4 are my favorites.

  4. #4

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    Re: A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRostron View Post
    I find that in the Lacewing pics, #1 and #2, the detail is lost because of the background. In contrast, the pics of the Holly Blue, #3 and #4, are absolutely gorgeous!

    That is one of the dilemmas of entomology photography. To shoot an insect under optimal background conditions, which makes identification easier; or go more artistic and capture a nice botanical scene plus an insect?

    I use both methods.

    #1 is a bit high in yellow saturation so I prefer the second version.

  5. #5
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

    This is the first Lacewing I've seen this season. It did seem to be enjoying the dandelion pollen. Problem is that it might also be the only one I see this season., so I took the shot available.

    Geoff stated the dilemma perfectly, in processing I chose to show more of the flower for a more balanced/'artistic' image.
    But I do take John's point, and a much tighter crop concentrating just on the insect does generate an image , which I think may be better for John's purposes.

    The Hollly Blue made life pretty easy for me..

    A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

    Nice series.

  7. #7
    JohnRostron's Avatar
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    Re: A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

    Yes, this crop does allow me to concentrate on the real subject - the Lacewing.


  8. #8
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: A few more insects, Moseley Bog, and white Bluebells, Birmingham

    The first two almost got lost in the flower. I kinda like their delicate wings...and the colour. I like green. This must be a smallist insect as you said "dandelion"? Good shot if not for the glaring yellow. The edit is much better. And thank you for remembering my passion for blue bells even though this are white ones. I nearly bought one yesterday at the supermarket but it turned out to be fake. Oh well...

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