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Thread: Twin Fireblades

  1. #1
    RichB's Avatar
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    Twin Fireblades

    Stopped in a car park on the way home and took these of a pair of Honda Fireblades, not that I'm a bike man they just both said Fireblade on the side. What do you think?

    Twin Fireblades

    Twin Fireblades

  2. #2
    pwnage101's Avatar
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    Re: Twin Fireblades

    These are very creatively exposed and composed! The one thing I would do is clone out the tree, but other than that I like them a lot.

  3. #3

    Re: Twin Fireblades

    Richard, I love the first image.The processing suits the subject perfectly.

    not that I'm a bike man
    Not many are these days. I think you will find that the owners of these two fine machines are balding middle aged men in the midst of a mid-life crisis and a strong bent toward tight leather fetish gear and frequent trips to their local Accident & Emergency Dept. In our neck of the woods there seems to be an article every other week eulogising some poor sod who leaves several kids a loving wife and a Audi A6...and for what a trip to the Peak District to down a glass of Britvic 55 and talk expansion chambers with a bunch of similarly aged menopausal slap heads who sell photocopiers for a living. They fall into the same category as Reg who turns up at the office in head to toe lycra, wrap-a-round shades clutching the front wheel of his carbon fibre push iron in his sweaty mitt

    AmI back with a vengence or what

  4. #4
    RichB's Avatar
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    Re: Twin Fireblades

    You know them do you .

    Yes I believe they were middle aged balding men.

  5. #5
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Twin Fireblades

    ...and Reg then proceeds to tell anyone not quick enough to leave the vicinity of the water cooler just how much his carbon fibre contraption cost him

  6. #6

    Re: Twin Fireblades

    Kay, you know the type. Reg is not just restricted to the UK then?

  7. #7
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Twin Fireblades

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Kay, you know the type. Reg is not just restricted to the UK then?
    Nope he's alive & well here too sadly....I usually call him 'Ross' though
    so named after 1 specimen who needed a finger x-ray after some incident with the machine......never have I had someone be able to tell me so much about themselves in the time it takes to do a finger x-ray.
    At the end of his monologue he asked me my name......'"my friends call me Kevin" was my succinct reply

  8. #8

    Re: Twin Fireblades

    Nice one

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