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Thread: Be Impressed, be humbled, be inspired...

  1. #1

    Be Impressed, be humbled, be inspired...

    I just saw, for the second time in a while, an amazing film, "Salt of the Earth" about the life and works of photographer Sebastaio Salgado, a Brazilian social documentary photographer and photojournalist. His story is amazing and his photographer shows to me a master of texture, tone and of an incredible ability to capture the spirit of his subjects. If you can get to see the full-length film of his life and works I recommend it, but in the meantime here is a TED talk:

  2. #2
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Be Impressed, be humbled, be inspired...

    I have to click this link twice to get to the real website...thanks for the link. I will look/watch later before we go to church..

  3. #3

    Re: Be Impressed, be humbled, be inspired...

    That's odd, it worked first time for me when I tested it. I needed only one click to take me to the site, but of course I had to click on the play button - that's pretty normal. I REALLY recommend the full-length film though if you can find it.

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    I have to click this link twice to get to the real website...thanks for the link. I will look/watch later before we go to church..

  4. #4

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    Re: Be Impressed, be humbled, be inspired...

    Good story.
    In Holland there's a strong movement for protecting the rain forest. Sometime I think a kind of hypocrite. Here all the oak woods are gone since the 16th century. Ships and housing.

    It's a difficult story. A rather small percentage of the world population lives in a "comfortable" way. And a very big percentage wants that too, of course. It's not only the rain forests, it's our way of living and producing.


  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Be Impressed, be humbled, be inspired...

    Sebastaio Salgado is an excellent photographer who uses wide angle lenses in a very creative way. He is not only a wonderful social commentator but, a top notch artist...

  6. #6

    Re: Be Impressed, be humbled, be inspired...

    Thanks a lot. Very useful.

  7. #7
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Be Impressed, be humbled, be inspired...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    I just saw, for the second time in a while, an amazing film, "Salt of the Earth" about the life and works of photographer Sebastaio Salgado, a Brazilian social documentary photographer and photojournalist. His story is amazing and his photographer shows to me a master of texture, tone and of an incredible ability to capture the spirit of his subjects. If you can get to see the full-length film of his life and works I recommend it, but in the meantime here is a TED talk:
    I just viewed this video. It is an excellent presentation, photographs that contain emotion, and a topic of importance. Thank you for the link to it.

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Be Impressed, be humbled, be inspired...

    Thanks for posting Trev. It was definitely worth watching.

    Salgado's work has that one feature that is important in photography; it makes an emotional connection with the viewer. Some of the places he worked at the time he was there definitely took an emotional toll on him, as it would be expected.

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