Nice shots.
Letting loose - you can feel it. IMHO 1 and 3 are the most successful. 1. is just plain fun and great color. #2 It doesn't look like he is looking at his bandmate and I want him to. #3 you have just enough light to tell the story. Nice. - it makes me want to take it from there. I kind of wish I could see his playing hand just a bit. #4. ..just not sure what I think on it ;-). Thanks for the music Jon.
+1 to Susan's comments. Looks like a fun thing for them doing that even though the patrons of the place just couldn't care less. 'Would have been nice if they were listening too or even just taking attention.
my son lives in Ft Wayne. I'll have to let him know about this place.
Love the energy too, Jon. Some very interesting shots and a bonus to hear the story. No 3 is particularly good, would be even better with less clutter, however in situations like this, one has to make the most of what is there and happening. Enjoyed !