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Thread: Which DSLR camera to buy?

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Which DSLR camera to buy?


    i am Vishal. I want to buy DSLR camera for bigginer level.
    I have no idea which DSLR camera i should buy.
    I prefer Nikon or Canon.

    Suggest me which model and manufacturer i should buy.


  2. #2
    timo2's Avatar
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    Re: Which DSLR camera to buy?

    Perhaps the most important aspect is how the camera fits your hands, and if the buttons naturally fall under your fingers. I’d recommend a trip to a shop and get some hands on experimentation.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Which DSLR camera to buy?

    Hi Vishal,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me.

    I think we need to know more about your background, especially the photographic kind.

    What have you been using so far?
    Why you think a DSLR will help?
    What do you want to photograph with it?
    Will it remain a hobby?
    How much money is available?
    Even where you live in the world(?) and (roughly) how old you are, may impact any advice offered.

    As Tim says, how a camera literally feels to you is important, since quality-wise, there is little to choose between any of the leading manufacturers.

    If you are new to photography and only have a budget for a starter DSLR with basic kit lens you may find a top end point and shoot better, then only spend on a DSLR if the bug really bites. Unless of course, you have already reached this stage - we just don't know.


  4. #4
    RichB's Avatar
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    Re: Which DSLR camera to buy?

    In addition to the above; I think as important as the camera you buy is fitting into the budget any other equipment you may need.

  5. #5

    Re: Which DSLR camera to buy?

    Quote Originally Posted by vishal View Post

    i am Vishal. I want to buy DSLR camera for bigginer level.
    I have no idea which DSLR camera i should buy.
    I prefer Nikon or Canon.

    Suggest me which model and manufacturer i should buy.

    I suggest the Canon 550D ( rebel t2i) or the Nikon D3100. I'm also about to buy a DSLR, and i did read many reviews and do many researches on these 2 cameras. they are really amazing and also the budgets are affordable.
    all you have to do is to consider these two. I may say "don't go for any others!!"

    you said you don't care for the video feature, but who knows)? you change your idea soon.
    Last edited by phiduypdn; 10th October 2010 at 06:08 PM.

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