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Thread: Latest TinyPic problems test and discussion thread

  1. #41
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Latest TinyPic problems test and discussion thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Three reasons for me: I occasionally remove images from the public area of my website, so I wouldn't want to provide a link to them knowing the image removed from that area of my website will also disappear from the CiC thread. I don't want to have to maintain a private area of my images at my website solely for the purpose of displaying them at CiC. When TinyPic is working, which is most of the time, it's far faster to use it to display an image at CiC. That's because, unlike the two-step process of uploading the image to my website and then providing a link to it, TinyPic provides a one-step process of simply uploading the image to CiC.

    EDIT: A fourth reason is that though I maintain a website, many of my images posted here at CiC such as travel photos are never posted to my website.
    I agree. This pretty well describes my situation.

    I'll probably be trying to use TinyPic in the next few days so will keep my fingers crossed.

  2. #42
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Latest TinyPic problems test and discussion thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Three reasons for me: I occasionally remove images from the public area of my website, so I wouldn't want to provide a link to them knowing the image removed from that area of my website will also disappear from the CiC thread. I don't want to have to maintain a private area of my images at my website solely for the purpose of displaying them at CiC. When TinyPic is working, which is most of the time, it's far faster to use it to display an image at CiC. That's because, unlike the two-step process of uploading the image to my website and then providing a link to it, TinyPic provides a one-step process of simply uploading the image to CiC.

    EDIT: A fourth reason is that though I maintain a website, many of my images posted here at CiC such as travel photos are never posted to my website.
    Makes sense. My procedure is very different. I have lots of galleries on my website that are not public. For example, if I take candid shots at an event, I put them in a nonpublic gallery and send the link to people who should have it. Ditto, baby pictures and more formal event shoots on the rare occasions that I do them. One of my non-public galleries is something I labeled "test shots". That's my holding bin. For example, most of the images I post here are in that gallery; once I take people's comments into account and do additional editing, I put it in a public gallery.

    As usual, the bottom line is: whatever works for you (or me). I was just curious, given that people have had so much frustration with tinypic, and uploading that way seem to take at least as many steps.

  3. #43

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    Re: Latest TinyPic problems test and discussion thread

    Tried again and worked this time

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    It happened again to me last night, Binnur, so I instead posted an image using a link to the private area of my website not visible to anyone other than me. Later in the evening I was able to replace that method with a file uploaded through TinyPic.

    I'm now resigned to the expectation that TinyPic is going to go down occasionally, at which point I will temporarily use a link to my website.

  4. #44

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    Re: Latest TinyPic problems test and discussion thread

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    people have had so much frustration with tinypic
    During the five years I've been posting here, I remember only one prolonged outage. (That was when you helped me set up a private gallery at Zenfolio.) That's a pretty darned good track record in my mind considering that CiC doesn't pay money for the use of TinyPic.

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