For once was painless - nothing chipped, cracked or falling out. Whilst in the city I couldn't resist a walk around Roma Street Parklands, meet the Boss for lunch followed by a stroll through the Botanic Gardens on the first day of winter.
#1 Roma Street Parklands
#3 Rhododendrons
#4 The windmill was built on Spring Hill using convict labour when Brisbane was settled. But the wind never blew there!so It was converted to a signal tower; the ball was raised and dropped at 12 noon precisely for shipping anchored in the Brisbane River to synchronise their chronometers.
#5 If that had been my name I would have changed it by deed pole rather than plaster it on a building.
#6 A pair of Curlews
#7 Rainbow Lorikeet feeding on Colvillea
#8 Fountain
#9 Water Lily
#10 Brisbane River