Nice shot Tim, I like it. You managed to balance a tiny bit of leaf blur for movement with overall clarity, I can almost hear the leaves rustling.
Close Pete; it is the stainless steel cooker hood ('brushed' as you say), but the light switch - as distinct from the fan switches.Originally Posted by Pete W
Actually, I suppose you could say it is the "brightness control", come to think of it
Pete, I think we'll call that a birdie!
No, that's unfair, a hole in one that went round the rim before dropping in
I really like the first photo, it tells a story, but I have to admit (and I am quite happy to go on the record) that I HATE graffiti. This gets me into endless arguments with my son who tries to convince me that it is a legitimate modern art form the equivalent of a Monet or Turner or - you name your favorite artist. I reckon it is the harbinger of urban decay. Maybe my attitude is coloured by the fact that some low-life graffitied my front retaining wall a few years ago, and I had to re-paint it at some expense.
Thanks, Steve! I'll keep it in mind because it IS hard to get the colors! Part of the thrill too is in the movement of the leaves, the clouds, the nip in the air, the sound of these leaves falling, the peeks of color on the hills and through the windows. It's making me tired just thinking about how to get it. It's almost over up here, though. Well, next year, I will have much more experience with my camera.
Pssst! I've really been enjoying your contributions!
Thanks, Pete and Sam! Yes! They are good layers. They're Rhode Island Reds - not the top egg layers but ours are gifted- they make relatively good eating birds, too. Not that I can imagine eating them.
I can't believe how wonderful fresh eggs are! I cannot believe how funny chickens are to live with!
We've had a late frost but it's been in the 20s F every night, this week.
Usually by mid-October our crop of persimmons have ripened and have been harvested. However, this has been a particularly cool summer and fall and the persimmons are just beginning to ripen. No complaints from me however... It has been percipitating in various degrees for the past several days which reduces the wildfire danger somewhat. Most often, instead of drizzle and gray days in October, we get the hot winds blowing in from the deserts east of us. This means high wildfire danger. We have evacuated our home twice during the past five of six years. It looks like we have doged the bullet for another year... BTW: the persimmons can be baked into delicious cookies...