Originally Posted by
William W
It’s late down here and it has been a long day . . . but here goes my wrap of the situation … [E&OE]
Yes I read that.
Yes Stan's Flash (the 600Series) has a GN = 60m (at ISO100).
As per my previous and depending upon what camera Stan is using, I expect that the 'corrected' GN when HSS is activated and the Shutter Speed is 1/1000s will be about or LESS THAN GN = 30m (at ISO100).
Stan mentioned that he is using a “Flash Extender” – this will surely be a lens which focuses the flash into a narrow beam. Practically that might add a little bit of MFWD. Let’s say for example it adds another 5mtrs of ‘corrected’ GN, so that brings him up to GN = 35m (at ISO 100).
Now let’s assume that Stan is shooting BIF in reasonable daylight and he wants to fill under the bird’s wing at FEC minus 2 stops (which he stated in post #5). So we can assume that the exposure for the AMBIENT light will be at about: F/5.6 @ 1/1000s @ ISO 125. (let’s assume ISO 125 = ISO 100, for the convenience of our rough calculations)
Therefore, to have the Flash able to be used as FILL and to be able to dial in FEC = -2stops , then the SPEEDLITE needs to be situated at a MFWD of about 6.25mtrs from the Subject . . .
and if the Flash Extender adds 10mtrs of GN, then the Flash can be at about 7mtrs from the Subject . . .
and so on.
If we do rough calculations in “F-stops” so we can guesstimate how far away the flash can be and allow for the 2 stops of FEC that WILL NOT BE dialed in – then (at an assumed corrected GN = 35mtrs (at ISO100)) a rough guess is that the Flash should be situated at about 12.5 mtrs to make the ‘correct’ Flash Fill exposure.
Obviously, we could bump the ISO. . .
As we bump the ISO there will be increase in the GN . . .
But we will just go around circles, because we have to stop down the aperture on the lens, to keep a consistent AMBIENT EXPOSURE.
Much depends on how ‘effective’ is this Flash Extender that Stan is using.
BUT, even if the Flash extender is very effective and it brings the Flash when ‘corrected’ to its original GN (i.e. GN = 60mtrs at ISO100), then for an effective Flash as Fill, the Speedlite Unit will need to be at a distance of no less than about 10mtrs from the Subject to pull a shot at F/5.6 @ 1/1000s @ ISO100 from the Speedlite to be able to to have FEC = -2stops dialed in and used at daytime if reasonable sunlight is the AMBIENT light.
On what we have discussed, my general opinion is that the birds are going to have to be flying reasonably close by to get the Flash close enough to have any effective Flash as Fill using HSS at Tv = 1/1000s. . .
But, where will the flash be located?
Let’s assume the birds will be at about 10 mtrs from the flash and it is reasonable to assume that the flash will be mounted on the camera.
Lets’ say it is a 135 Format camera (aka “full frame”) . . .
the FoV at 10mtrs SD is about 860mm x 570mm which I guess is doable, but it will be a very quick sweep/pan to pull a shot of a Bird in Flight.
If the camera is APS-C Format, then the FoV at 10mtrs SD is about 550mm x 360mm, making sweep and pan that much tighter again.
If the camera is APS-H Format then the FoV is about 680mm x 460mm at an SD = 10mtrs