Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Izzie,
At the risk of appearing overly negative, these are not really working for me due mostly to the difficult shooting circumstances; harsh sunlight and shade, fairly busy background, but also, because he's there, you've cropped to make him part of the composition, which I feel works against the 'photobomb' concept.
If it were mine, I would crop some off the left hand side so that Mary is the obvious main subject (more correctly positioned in the two overall frames) and the little fella is just in the corners. Talking of corners; the vignette is overpowering for me, so I'd make that far less dark and perhaps soften the fade too.
I might also warm up her skin tones a bit, she's not looking to well herself, although I suspect you have had to 'recover' her face from a darker exposure and that won't have helped.
I might also enhance him a bit too, having relegated him to the corner.
Hope my musings are useful, Dave
Fascinating story of the Hempstead's in your link