Whenever I visit my local public library, I peruse the photography related books to see what new books the library has acquired. If I find one of any interest, I will check it out.
I found an excellent book by Cyrill Harnischmacher, Closeup Shooting, A Guide to Closeup, Tabletop, and Macro Photography
If there would be one book that I could recommend to cover virtually all facets of closeup photography, it is this one. It provides answers to virtually all the questions I have ever seen posted on this and other forums regarding closeup shooting and provides answers to some questions I have never seen posted.
One very interesting snippet is a depth of field table for macro and closeup photography which shows that depth of field is dependent upon magnification ratio and is independent of focal length used. In other words, if you are shooting at a 1:1 ratio it doesnt matter if you are using a 50mm macro lens or one of 180mm. The depth of field, given that you are using the same f/stop, is identical. Obviously, you would need to be closer to your subject when shooting at 1:1 with a 50mm lens than you would if shooting at 1:1 with a 180mm lens. I have always known this to be true but, have never seen a DOF table laid out with magnification as the variable factor.
The book is divided pretty evenly between equipment and techniques. One innovative solution that bridges the gap between technique and equipment is the use of a round flourescent table magnifier, with the magnifying glass removed, as a ring light...