Thanks Peter: I like this shot, and don't get me wrong, but to my mind this is a shot of trees, with the clouds coming in second. If I were to try this same shot in the "style" of my original, I would perhaps try with a lone tree on the horizon, OR in this case because of the cloud patterns this woud even work with just clouds and wheat field. There are really so many options, and I thank you for the feedback, but I think in this case we have something different in mind.
It's very interesting, what you said about depth. I'm thinking that the lack of depth might be the key to what I am trying for. A simple shot that has impact based soley on the colours and compostion. I don't know if I am explaining that very well, I'm not even sure what I mean myself. Suffice it to say, that normally, I would do what you did, and try to get some trees (or something else) in the shot - a focal point. In this case I purposely left everything else out, and that is what I would like to continue trying for, but better.
Anyway, I'm confusing myself now so I will quit talking and perhaps might get the shot in the future that will explain what I am trying to say
Thanks again