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Thread: Murder Most 'Orrid

  1. #1

    Murder Most 'Orrid

    Robs egg trauma has a lot to answer for.....

    Murder Most 'Orrid

    Murder Most 'Orrid

    Murder Most 'Orrid

  2. #2

    Re: Murder Most 'Orrid

    Hey! Hey, you guys! Do you know the "Annoying Orange"? heheheheheheh....

    Here's the link:

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Murder Most 'Orrid

    Hi Steve,

    Interesting images as usual from your good self.

    Two things I am wondering about;
    what surface is it on?
    why doesn't the weight of the knifa make it roll over?

    actually three things - did you eat it afterwards?


  4. #4

    Re: Murder Most 'Orrid

    Hey! Hey, you guys! Do you know the "Annoying Orange"? heheheheheheh....
    That's pretty weird Katy..did you raid Rob's medicine cabinet when he was out cruising the lingerie dept in M&S. Its a sort of fruity Criminal Minds. I have to watch that from behind the sofa...that Dr Reid scares me witless

    what surface is it on?
    why doesn't the weight of the knifa make it roll over?

    actually three things - did you eat it afterwards?
    Hi Dave, the dark surface is a trampoline we have in the garden and he lighter surface are the padded protectors around the edge. The shots were taken early this morning hence the gold glow. I made sure that the knife was angled so it did not out balance the pepper. The pepper was pretty squared off anyway. No I did not eat the pepper it had been in the fridge a while and was starting to go soft at the base. I did polish it first with a tea towel though. I wont have anyone saying I keep tatty veg

  5. #5
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Chuck Nelson

    Re: Murder Most 'Orrid

    Interesting shots. I love red peppers...I put them in a lot of recipes and even have a recipe where the red peppers are sauteed with onions. I like the color in your shots but the B&W works too.


  6. #6

    Re: Murder Most 'Orrid

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    That's pretty weird Katy..did you raid Rob's medicine cabinet when he was out cruising the lingerie dept in M&S. Its a sort of fruity Criminal Minds. I have to watch that from behind the sofa...that Dr Reid scares me witless)
    Why does everyone keep mentioning meds to me??? What was REALLY scary was letting my 3 young boys watch it. I was scared of reruns all the way through dinner...... and more.

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