For week 36, I think I'll post a spiderweb pic I've been struggling with. Maybe the initial photo isn't what it should be and that's why I can't achieve the look that I wanted. I tried sharpening it and darkening the background. The web was on the outside of a north facing window and looked interesting. The light at the top would be reflection from oncoming traffic. It didn't annoy me much so I didn't mess with that area once I reached this point in PP.
Settings used: ISO200 - 96mm - f/5.0 - 1/60ss (07:38 - early morning for me)
Spider Web
Week 37 and I decided a face full of flowers might be nice. These are blooming behind our home in my "secret area". I like going there for peace and quiet.
Settings used: ISO200 - 49mm - f/7.1 - 1/8ss (19:00 on an overcast evening)