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Thread: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

  1. #21
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Out of interest, Dennis, how does that work? An ordinary member being able to ban people, unlike only a Mod. can do that here?
    I don't know how it works. But, banning seems to be a favored activity by people who know very little but like to post a lot of pseudo professional stuff. They seem to get their hackles up when challenged.

    I suspect that many folks post with the expectation that they will be praised for their posting and get their feathers ruffled when they are called on their errors...

    In response to a request for feedback to a portrait series on YouTube which had an extremely heavy (more than Rubenesque) model with stark white skin wearing a tank top that exposed both her upper chest and her arms (straight on view also which made her look even more fat)... I mentioned that in a video on how to shoot portraits, having an especially heavy female dressed like that was a terrible idea.

    The response was "you are banned" Actually, I had never intended to visit the site again because it offered nothing to me. I only found out about the banning because it came to me in an email...

  2. #22
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Out of interest, Dennis, how does that work? An ordinary member being able to ban people, unlike only a Mod. can do that here?

    On UHH as a normal member you can 'block' (the term they use is Ignore)any other member from responding to your thread. So if you do not like what someone has said, technically or personally you stop them from participating.

    So simply, it's a method you can use to 'remove' from your discussion those that do no agree with you

    I was also blocked in the discussion Dennis refered to

    Edit : 'Blocking' is different from being 'banned' in that you can continue to use the forum but are unable to participate in threads started by the member that 'blocked' you, reply directly to any post the 'blocker' makes in someone else's thread or PM the 'blocker'.
    Last edited by Stagecoach; 26th August 2018 at 09:21 PM.

  3. #23

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    Re: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Out of interest, Dennis, how does that work? An ordinary member being able to ban people, unlike only a Mod. can do that here?
    Not sure of the situation in Dennis’ case. Members can manage a sub forum,such as Street photography or Macro. In a few cases the Admin has permitted them to ban others. The forum also allows the user to block specific members. In my case, I was actually agreeing with the topic creator. Instead she made some remark aimed at me—and then promptly blocked me. I’ll let Dennis explain his scenario. But it is a weird forum. Some great people—but the others ruin it. FWIW It’s also quite slanted politically.

  4. #24
    pendennis's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Out of interest, Dennis, how does that work? An ordinary member being able to ban people, unlike only a Mod. can do that here?
    I went to my profile, and then to "Ignore List". From there, I followed the prompts. The person in question, a****b, has put a number of folks on his ignore list. You can see the thread, but you can't answer, or otherwise participate.

  5. #25
    pendennis's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

    Quote Originally Posted by FujiXuser View Post
    Not sure of the situation in Dennis’ case. Members can manage a sub forum,such as Street photography or Macro. In a few cases the Admin has permitted them to ban others. The forum also allows the user to block specific members. In my case, I was actually agreeing with the topic creator. Instead she made some remark aimed at me—and then promptly blocked me. I’ll let Dennis explain his scenario. But it is a weird forum. Some great people—but the others ruin it. FWIW It’s also quite slanted politically.
    In my case, I had watched his posts and responses with growing puzzlement. He used others' images from UHH to support his concept of changing perspective by changing lenses. His arguments grew more and more vague and obtuse, and he used the most oblique arguments to bolster his proposition.

    Several of the posters admonished him for using their images to illustrate his point. He always replied that copyright restrictions didn't apply to using an image for educational purposes(??????). Not sure of that one though.

    I had downloaded Ansel Adams' book "The Camera", where I recalled his discussion on perspective. At the end of a particularly in-depth paragraph, Mr. Adams summarized by stating that perspective did not change unless the camera was moved. I was accused of taking Mr. Adams' quote out of context, when it was his words that summarized his own paragraph. I don't know how I could take the quote out of context.

    I then defended my point again. This time, however, I may have pushed the edge a bit. One of my favorite economists is a man by the name of Walter Williams, of George Mason University. One of his favorite adages concerns "pushing back the frontiers of ignorance". I paraphrased Dr. Williams by stating that a****b was pulling in the frontiers of ignorance by attempting to defend the indefensible. That got me ousted from the thread, along with a number of other posters who disagreed with him.

    PS - I don't regret for one minute, my depiction of a****b's thesis.

  6. #26

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    Re: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

    The member you mentioned is one of the biggest bigots there. Sadly is not as knowledgeable as he thinks when it comes to photography. On top of that is a mediocre photographer. That site is useless and it seems to attract the most ignorant and pedantic people around, I have found only ONE member who is

  7. #27
    Panama Hat & Camera's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    . . . which is sooooo different from those sites (think DPR) which try and sell you stuff on every page?


    Among the questions that will be answered "in great detail":

    "Which camera brand (Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax, Olympus, etc.) has the best sensor . . . ?

    Pardon me for guessing in advance which camera brand won't even get a mention . . grump.
    Excuse me, Ted.
    What does DPR stand for?

  8. #28

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    Re: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

    Quote Originally Posted by Panama Hat & Camera View Post
    Excuse me, Ted.
    What does DPR stand for?
    DPR stands for a photography site "Digital Photography Review":

    I post often on their Sigma Camera forum:

  9. #29

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    Re: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

    so do you still use it in 2019? and how abot this sites
    Last edited by Elle Harper; 23rd June 2019 at 11:10 AM.

  10. #30

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    Re: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

    Quote Originally Posted by Elle Harper View Post
    so do you still use it in 2019?
    Hello Elle,

    If you mean The Ugly Hedgehog, no. I went there one time out of interest two years ago and haven't been back since then.

    If you mean DPR, yes, I am a daily poster in the Sigma Camera Forum there under @xpatUSA.

  11. #31
    wide2tele's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

    I'm another who went to UHH even after reading this thread as I do enjoy a little craziness!
    I had a very quickfire 379 posts and now I am done.
    I can say it is a site like no other with a rather "extreme" membership would be the best term.
    If you are a newcomer looking to learn about photography, it certainly ain't the best place for that.

    Could not recommend UHH for most people and I don't think most people could handle it to be honest.
    I did have fun there for my short period but inconsistent moderation has become an issue so I have now left.

    Photography forums I find are very different than what they were 20 years ago. There is very little focus on learning photography, techniques and just plain fun and enjoyment. Forums have become all about gear and tech with lots of attitude. blah

    I've been around a bunch of forums over the past few months and of them all, imo CiC deserves the #1 modern day forum award. Activity here could be greater but that's the same issue with many forums today.

    I know this topic shows up on google quite quickly when searching for forums or specifically UHH information.
    If anyone comes across this topic, my advice is to join up here at CiC and become an active member.

  12. #32

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    Re: Anyone heard of The Ugly Hedgehog . .

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    No I have not heard of it. Nor have I ever heard of a good looking hedgehog
    You haven't asked its mother!

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