Good eye Geoff! Yes I removed a sail from this shot. Didn't think you would notice it! :eek: I have done some more PP on this and replaced the pic; it is now much less noticeable. Please have a look.
Printable View
Lake Erie is a deceptively peaceful looking lake and you've captured the mood of it. I like the second one best out of the choices but I can still see just a wee bit of the mast that Geoff was talking about. I had to enlarge the pic to see it though. I really like the scenes! :)
Thanks Sandy. I've cleaned it up as well as I can. I don't think I can improve it, so I will have to live with it as is. Maybe there is another method of cleaning up these images; I have had some success in the past but it's hit and miss for me with this technique. Perhaps I need more practice...
I know what you mean about practice. I sure seem to be spending lots of time trying to clean up my photos. I've found that Affinity Photo (Mac software) has a stamp tool that works pretty well for me when I enlarge my photo. Snapheal seems helpful as well but I don't use it as much now that I am more comfortable with Affinity.
Your picture is lovely indeed! I really enjoy water scenes!
I liked your new additions very much :)
There are several ways of tackling this sort of edit, Joe.
Now I can't see that image either. Possibly the link has been broken after the editing work?
Here it is after several editing attempts: Hope you can work with this to give me some suggestions.
[IMG] by joseph small 13, on Flickr[/IMG]
This is a nice image Joe . I love the color of the sea. IMO the yellow ladder on the left distracts, I would desaturate it. A nice scene from a bright and breezy day :)
That is better, Joe. Looks like a natural piece of sky now.
A pity that the sky on the left side of the tower is a slightly different shade from that on the right side. If they had been exactly the same it would have been easy to just select another piece of sky then copy and paste into position.
Anyway your persistent editing has now produced a good scene.
Moon Set on June 9 at about 5:15 am.
I think I was a little too vigorous with the saturation slider. I will adjust later when not so tired.( Adjusted) f 5.6, 1". Camera on tripod. I think I must have bumped camera as there is some camera movement during exposure.
[IMG] by joseph small 13, on Flickr[/IMG]
Moon set a little later same morning. I don't remember if the moon was full, but I don't think it was. f10, 2"
[IMG] by joseph small 13, on Flickr[/IMG]
Modified to eliminate 'offending' tree.
[IMG] by joseph small 13, on Flickr[/IMG]
Later the same morning, around 5:45am. f 8, 1/6"
[IMG] by joseph small 13, on Flickr[/IMG]
Modified : Cropped to remove bush bottom right:-
[IMG] by joseph small 13, on Flickr[/IMG]
I enjoy looking at these pictures and I especially like the first one. The glow of the moon on the water - tiny lights from civilization along the shore and the beautiful moon with a cloud setting it up. Well done! :)
Just a thought, Joe. With #2 is that dark tree on the right side overly dominating the scene? A crop from the right and top appears to produce more impact from those subtle blue shades.
And much the same thoughts about the last one with the bottom right corner tree?
Thanks Sandy. My personal fave of this series is #2.
Thanks Geoff. I laboured on the decision of cropping or not on both of these. I finally left the trees in. There is obviously a strong argument for removing them. I left them in as they gave me some context as to where I was when I took the shots. But this only has meaning to me. I will try posting them without the trees and see the reaction. Thanks for this observation.
If it had been a strong light scene, Joe, with a bright blue sky and sunny foreground I would have said leave them in, in fact you could show more of them, but with a delicate pastel blue scene like this they seem a touch on the 'heavy side' to me.
Hi Joe:) I think I agree with Geoff about removing the trees. But I wouldn't crop the tree in the last image, I would clone it in order not to spoil the rest of the composition. Really nice blue color . My fav is the last image.