A while back I was perusing Jim B’s thread regarding auto shows. No particular reason, just keeping up. As it turns out, I found myself at one recently.
I certainly discovered some of the problems discussed on Jim B’s thread. I also tried to take some of the advice given on that thread. I found, as mentioned, that it is impossible to get a full vehicle shot without a lot of background clutter. My schedule is such that I shoot as much as I can for three weeks with some processing, then off to work where I spend three weeks working in Photoshop processing the majority of what I shot the previous three weeks. So since I seem to be spending divided time between shooting and processing those shots I decided to try some shots that had cluttered backgrounds with a little different presentation. Well, different for me at least! A kind of a workaround, maybe.
I have to admit I had a ball at my first auto show! You don’t have to try very hard to get one of these owners to bend your ear talking about their automobile! And they are only too happy to have you photograph their Pride and Joy! Its nice having people actually encourage you to shoot what they have going on!
Comments are, as usual, happily welcomed!