Really nice Steve - particularly #3 for me - background colour perfect.......
and John as I am our resident arachnophobe...bad luck spiderI say
Very nice....autumn captured indeed.
Yet again, 'seeing' the photograph in the first place is the skill. I can 'see' big things, like tractors etc. But I really have to work harder at seeing the smaller scale opportuntities that are all around me.
Steve, these photos are really nice, especially the 3rd photo. Good work!
Thank you for your comments. I have to admit I rather like the 3rd one too. I wasn,t going to bother to be honest. Spider webs are pushing my faithful Fisher Price zoom to the limit and I have had no success at all in the past. However, something about the light made me think it might just hack it this time round.
I dont mind spiders at all in fact guess who has to don his undies over the top of his pants and fly to the rescue if one enters the house. Actually spiders are the least of my worries. If I hear a blood curdling scream I can guarantee a moth has found its way into my youngest daughters bedroom. She is 16 but you get the full drama, tears, refusing to come out of the bathroom, the lot
very nice set of pictures with beautiful colors
I think I like 1 and 3 equally well. They both have energy, but 1 contains more of a suggestion of continued motion for me. I love the shape of the leaf, so like a fish. Photo 1 also made me think of a treble clef and an errant note crashing through a musical score and continuing on its insouciant way, leaving its audience completely charmed. For me, it is less Autumn Captured than Summer Giving Way.