Well you have to first HAVE a smart phone in order to do that kind of stuff.
Mine's dumb as a sack of hammers I'm afraid.
Well you have to first HAVE a smart phone in order to do that kind of stuff.
Mine's dumb as a sack of hammers I'm afraid.
I just today got my second smart phone and I would still be on the first one that is only about two years old if I hadn't lost it yesterday. It's the least expensive one I could find that allows me to make phone calls (what a novel idea!), text to about five friends, and occasionally look something up on the Internet. I have the least expensive data plan available and I use only about 20% of the allowed data.
Did some digging and found an old photo of what I consider my first SLR even though it actually was my second one. Didn't get along with the first one, a Mamiya Secor 1000DTL, and this FE replaced it, once I convinced my new wife it would last a long time.
Like I said, not a real photographic artistic effort, but it worked for me at the time.
Still have the camera and the wife.
What year did you get it, Alan?
Looks like it was not only the camera you didn't get along with.
My first camera was a Practica Nova. When I was in Jena Germany a few years ago, I went to the Zeiss museum. The oldest camera they had was the successor of mine, with TTL.
I still have the camera. And another wife.
It must have been '81-'82 or there abouts Mike. We were married in '80 and it was shortly after that that I got it.
George, this is my first and so far only wife.
The Mamiya and I didn't get along because of the focusing. I was a bit farsighted and couldn't get a decent picture out of that screen. I do have to admit I was biased after having used my neighbors SR-T 102. He brought it back with him from VN and had offered to get us cameras thru the PX. A friend recommended the DTL to me, so I got it. Neighbor arrived home before the camera got to me. By the time it did I was ruined. That little black SR-T had won my heart. I'd borrowed it to shoot some races out at Riverside Raceway, and even though I didn't wind on the film properly (devastating how a black film back from the developer can crush you when you're young) I still was in love with his camera. Took me near 30 yrs before I found one of my own. Nikon has ruled the roost round here for a good long while.
Misunderstood. I thought if there's a new one, than there must be an old one.