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Thread: Just wondering ~ Would extension tubes be of any benefit in astro photography

  1. #21

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    Re: Just wondering ~ Would extension tubes be of any benefit in astro photography

    Whoops, as sometimes happens what I read and what I retain do not quite agree. Macro lens is not the deciding factor for what makes a great wide field lens for astrophotography. But it is agreed that between 24 and 90 mm is the is the sweet spot depending upon lens and camera combo. The best lens being the one that will give you the sharpest shot with your camera.

    In my poor defense macro lens's need to be fairly sharp?

    I do need to polish up my tech talk.

  2. #22
    William W's Avatar
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    William (call me Bill)

    Re: Just wondering ~ Would extension tubes be of any benefit in astro photography

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by William W
    The only useful means that I can think of . . .
    An Extension Tube, cannot be not used to increase the magnification, (as already explained) but an Extension Tube might be useful (probably necessary to physically aborted it) and then for it to be used as a connection to attach a telescope to the camera.
    That would be a T-mount.
    Yes a T-Mount coupling would be necessary to mount most cameras to a telescope, but what I meant was that an Extension Tube might be necessary if:
    > more coupling distance were required
    - OR -
    > if less coupling distance were required

    the latter would (could) mean aborting the Extension Tube so that a T-Mount was on one end and the Camera mount on the other.

    My answer was in the spirit of thinking about "what could be any possible use, even if that use was way out, whacky and unlikely".


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