This is really ambitious of me, given that I am still wrestling with the controls on my cameras, never mind the editing software, but there is this sculpture in a local park that I am really drawn to and would like to exploit, and I could use any help you can give me.
This is a really bad photo of it that I took this spring, but I think it will give you an idea of the challenges, and the potential.
(Aside to fellow Canuks: Tell me this doesn't immediately put you in mind of Lawren Harris.)
Anyhow, I was in the park today with my Canon S95 and took a few shots of it that I have been playing with in Aperture.
This is the only one that I didn't totally blow the highlights on and it could perhaps be brightened some more, and something done to make the sky more dramatic, but still I think it's kind of cool.
Same image in B&W:
Another shot in B&W:
Aperture isn't up to date yet with the S95 RAW and I only just bit into Canon's Digital Photo Professional tonight so these are just rough edits of the JPEGs that I thought I would run by you to give you a general idea of where I would like to go. Any tips on how to shoot shiny metal objects like this at all times of day and in all seasons (snow coming soon!), and processing ideas, would be most appreciated.
I will also be shooting it with my Nikon D90 18-105 mm lens.
Thanks for your indulgence.