Nice capture Bill, the shadow shapes (Net shadow?) on the spherical object add to the image making what I take to be a man made object less in your face IYSWIM.
Very nice; but why, "even"?
Good capture. They are most definitely flies, not bees or wasps. You can readily see 3 of the 4 key indicators in this shot:Given my recent record of 100% incorrect identifications,
--the flat antennae
--the shape of the eyes, which wrap around the head.
--the halteres: the little yellow spheres below the base of the wings
What you can't clearly see is implied by the existence of the halteres: two wings rather than four. Flies constitute the order Diptera, which means "two wings."
That comes close to exhausting what little I know...
Definitely hoverflies but I can't place them from that angle. Those rather square abdomen spots remind me of some Platycheirus species but in that case the male should have some form of expanded tibia/tarsus. Maybe the flat expanded area is in side view from that angle and not obvious?
But the scutellum looks yellow so that would point in a different direction; more like Eupeodes, but most of them have different shapes to the spot edges? A rather 'chunky' looking male so that rules out some of the alternative slender species.
Plenty of fine detail in the shot.
Nice image Bill
Thanks Dan, Geoff and Binnur.
Geoff - I think they may be Syrphus sp, based on this and a few other sources. The collar of hair behind the head, the colour of the female femur, and the body ending with a slightly pointed black segment would fit, but the only thing that seems certain is that they are hoverflies
Nice! shot. I love the blue net and all the fine detail.
It can't be a Syrphus, Bill. Note how the cross bands of that group narrow as they approach the abdomen edge.
I suppose one of the Epistrophe species might be possible? Something strange about the male legs because when I zoom in I can only clearly see two on that side.
However, without a top view we will never be certain.
Thanks Geoff - your expert and knowledgable input is always most welcome!
Here is another example of a blue shadow like what Judith (Urban flyer) has in her post awhile ago. Good clear shot, Mark... and also for the Ella Fitzgerald song...for Nandy.