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Thread: Re: i1Photo Pro 2 vs ColorMunki Photo

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Bernhard P

    Re: i1Photo Pro 2 vs ColorMunki Photo

    I would like to ask about this topic, it is really worth the i1Photo Pro 2 to buy.

    I print with a Canon 8400 and do my profiles with a colormunky itself. Are the profiles double or triple better than with the colormunky? Is also the triple price. Is the difference seen or just measured?

    I'm considering the i1Photo Pro 2 to buy, but I'm not sure if it is wise.
    Is there if the colormunky has also exchanged against the i1Photo Pro 2?

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: i1Photo Pro 2 vs ColorMunki Photo

    Welcome to CiC. Would you mind clicking on the "My Profile" button at the top of this page and adding at least your first name and where you are from to your profile? We are a fairly informal group here are CiC and go on a first name basis.

    I've also moved your question to a new thread as it is a bit different than the question asked in the thread where you posted it originally.

    Some parts of your question are easy to answer, and others less so. There is a fair bit of material available as to the advantages of the i1 over the ColorMunki for computer screen calibration, but there is limited information on printer profiling. Xrite does a good comparision on the display side of things here:

    The ColorMunki uses different software that is "Wizard" driven whereas the i1 Pro lets you use set up the display with a more flexible, but more manual process.

    The consensus on profiling your printer / paper is less conclusive and there are other options out there. If you use the OEM inks for the printer and use paper that has a profile available for your printer, there may be up to a 5% improvement in color rendition is you create a custom paper profile. There are service bureaus that can create these for you for far less money than the difference between a i1 Pro and ColorMunki, so if you stick to just a few papers, that will be far more cost effective. Just Google "custom inkjet printer profile" and a list of providers pops up.

    For instance:

    If you are doing this professionally and your clients demand an extremely high level of colour accuracy and you use a high end display that requires the i1 for optimal results (some NEC, Viewsonic, Eizo, Dell and Benro screens fall into this category), then by all means go for the i1. If you use many different papers for printing or use a third party ink, then by all means go the look at which custom print profile route is most cost effective for you.

    On the other hand, if you are not using one of the high end pro displays, I would suggest that a custom print profile might not be necessary at all and the manufacturer's downloadable ones will be more than sufficient. If you are limited to the colour accuracy in the setup, adding a high end print profile seems counter-intuitive.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 14th July 2017 at 12:50 PM.

  3. #3
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    Bernhard P

    Re: i1Photo Pro 2 vs ColorMunki Photo

    Firstly thanks for the quick and detailed response.
    My profile has been updated. And sorry for my bad english.
    I print on Hahnemühle paper and canvas. But also on Canson and Ilford. Of course with original ink. My monitor is an Eizo cx271.
    I also print for customers with high expectations. But as already mentioned I want to replace the colormunky the i1 Pro longer.
    Unfortunately I have so far very little info about the difference of the quality of the 2 devices can be found.

    But when I read that it will probably be best that I buy the i1 Pro I think.

    A print service comes for me not in question I would like to continue to do that myself. The question is whether 5% is worth it.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: i1Photo Pro 2 vs ColorMunki Photo

    Quote Originally Posted by bernd77 View Post
    I also print for customers with high expectations.
    Quote Originally Posted by bernd77 View Post
    The question is whether 5% is worth it.
    I think you have already answered your own question.

    In fact, I suspect that you should be using it to calibrate and profile your Eizo cx271, as that is likely where you will get the biggest benefits. If you are doing high end work, this should be a no brainer.

  5. #5
    New Member
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    Bernhard P

    Re: i1Photo Pro 2 vs ColorMunki Photo

    Thank you for the info.
    I'll look around for an i1 pro. But that can take a while.
    Will report here at times.

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