Originally Posted by
I am sorry for not posting this sooner, but I got involved in work that has taken all my time for many long weeks.
Thing is, I have known for some time that I will be heading your way next week. Not exactly to your location though, as I leave wednesday for MNL. I do own a 500mm f/6.3 Samyang reflex/mirror lens in need of a better home. It is a long haul, but if luggage volume and weight permit (lens 0.7kg). I can bring the lens if you think it may work for you. It needs a T/T2 adapter, but I am not prepared to let my T2-Nikon go with the lens, it does not fit your Sony anyway. I would tthink a T/T2-SonyA adapter should be available, but I do not know that for sure.
Let me know if you are interested and can arrange to pick up the lens in MNL (QC).
Odd S.