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Thread: The Stainless Steel Outhouse

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    The Stainless Steel Outhouse

    No, I'm not joking, but it is art. Some artist felt that this would make a fine piece of (non-functional) installation art. The door would not open (I tried it), but the sign did read "Vacant".

    The Stainless Steel Outhouse

  2. #2
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: The Stainless Steel Outhouse

    Well seen and captured Manfred. Your image reminded me off two similar objects we saw whilst in New Zealand. The first one was a talking version, it had illuminated buttons on the outside not unlike those used in passenger lifts/elevators. Once you worked out how to open the door the process was semi automated, with voice prompts e.g. "Now wash your hands". But that structure looked nothing like this one though it did give us a bit of a giggle. I was forced to go through the motions IYSWIM.
    The second convenience had a similar shape as this artwork. However it was painted green to fit in with the environment, in your image the pipe at the top left of the structure would house the ventilation cowl. These were placed and maintained by the NZ Department of Conservation (DOC) needless to say that version has no electricity never mind voice prompts.

    Sent from somewhere in Gods County using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: The Stainless Steel Outhouse

    Works for me, at the right time of day and an abundance of sunlight that outhouse will really shine. Nicely seen and captured.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: The Stainless Steel Outhouse

    Clearly a place of some reflection - take that how you will. I may be becoming less discerning in my old age but I don't understand the thought process that sees something like this, or an unmade bed or an animal preserved in formaldehyde as a work of art. A curiosity - yes, but................ Perhaps I'm just turning into grumpy old man.

    Well captured though Manfred.

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