Great image Ted, I really like this.
That works OK. They look like some form of Crickets.
Nice image
Great captures, Ted. Besides Geoff's suggestion that they might be a form of cricket, I'd also look into the possibility that they might be a nymph stage of some katydid species.
Wow! your crickets are a good bit larger than those over here! Beautiful shot!
Thanks for all y'alls comments and suggestions so far.
James, my rose was quite small, unlike those found in Broomijam's gardens. I'd guess the bug's bodies as maybe 2cm long and the Leica 45mm macro let me get quite close too.
James, when it says Texas -- everything is YUGE!!! even cricketts. We once stopped at a Rest Area when we pick up our car and we seemed to be driving for hours (18 to be exact), I thought we were entering a Cathedral.
Anyway, nice colour, Ted. And processing is good too. Love it. The insects are incidental to the shot.