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Thread: Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome

  1. #1

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    Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome

    Hi, going forward on my photography venture I stopped and clicked another shot. Can you please review it and let me know what exactly is missing for it to make it much better?

    Recently, I have started processing the project which i took last year "Faces of Pushkar, India". He is a camel herder and he was not looking in a good mood.

    Please provide your views and suggestion with composition, frame, crops.

    Thank You

    PS : Please click on the image for lightbox screen view (Highly recommended)

    Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome

    I think that this is a marvelous portrait. I like the lighting, the expression and the composition.

    I think that slightly reducing the shadows in his beard area and brightening his eyes just a tiny bit might be a way to go but, the portrait is very nice as it stands.

    Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome

    You are going to have a wonderful photo essay of these faces. Keep them coming!
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 31st July 2017 at 02:17 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome

    Another beautifully shot image, Raj.

    I'm with Richard on this one. It needs a bit of work to even out some of the shadows and highlights, especially the eyes. I might sharpen it a touch too, as the beard and lines on his face are an important part of this image. Mostly I would do a lot of burning on the left hand side of his face and might dodge down some of the "hot spots".

    Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome

    Nicely done, does look more vibrant in Lightbox.

  5. #5

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    Re: Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I think that this is a marvelous portrait. I like the lighting, the expression and the composition.

    I think that slightly reducing the shadows in his beard area and brightening his eyes just a tiny bit might be a way to go but, the portrait is very nice as it stands.

    Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome

    You are going to have a wonderful photo essay of these faces. Keep them coming!
    Thanks a lot for your kind suggestion and review. Yes, more of the faces are coming soon.

  6. #6

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    Re: Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Another beautifully shot image, Raj.

    I'm with Richard on this one. It needs a bit of work to even out some of the shadows and highlights, especially the eyes. I might sharpen it a touch too, as the beard and lines on his face are an important part of this image. Mostly I would do a lot of burning on the left hand side of his face and might dodge down some of the "hot spots".

    Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome
    Thanks a lot for your kind suggestion and review. It is surely looking much better now.

  7. #7

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    Re: Faces of Pushkar India #3, C&C Most Welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nicely done, does look more vibrant in Lightbox.
    Thanks a lot for your kind appreciation

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