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Thread: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    I loaned my Canon 1.4x TC to our best friend's son who is on a year-long LDS mission to Africa. He has a 70-200mm f/4L (non-IS) lens and is making good use of the 1.4x TC. He cannot afford to buy a longer lens so the TC suits him just fine. I plan to let him have that TC permanently.

    However, I would like to replace the Mk-i TC with either a Mk-ii or a Mk-iii. I would use this occasionally on my 7D Mk-ii body with either my 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II lens or my 70-200mm f/4L IS lens (The TC is a handy lightweight travel accessory when I travel with the 70-200mm being my longest lens).

    I have been researching the pros and cons between the Mk-ii and Mk-iii Canon Teleconverters. It appears from my Internet research that there is a great difference in quality between the 2x Mk-ii and Mk-iii but, not so much difference between the 1.4x models. The major difference is when the 1.4x TC is used with a Canon Mk-ii "Super Telephoto" lens.

    Since, the 100-400mm Mk-ii lens is not (according to Canon website) considered a "Super Telephoto", I am strongly leaning towards a used Mk-ii which I can get for just over $200 USD. A Mk-iii would cost me just under $400 USD (quite a difference).

    Has anyone had experience with the Mk-ii vs. the Mk-iii Canon TC on a 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II lens?

  2. #2
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Richard, Trevor (Tronhard) is the expert on at least part of your question.
    He borrowed my Mkiii teleconvertor and ultimately purchased one which he uses with his Canon 100-400 Mkii. I've never used the Mkii TC so can't comment on how it compares with the Mkiii TC.

  3. #3

    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Hi Folks: Richard, thanks for the heads up to respond to this, I hope it will be helpful

    I wanted to use a teleconverter with my 100-400L Mk II lens, but I wanted to retain both metering and autofocus functions. After a bit of research on both the lens and the teleconverter: using both Canon's compatibility tables, the manuals (I actually read them!), and some stuff from DPREVIEW, I discovered that to do what I wanted I needed the 1.4 Mk III converter. None of the others (i.e. Mk II 1.4 or 2, or the 2.0Mk III) can do that - they either won't autofocus properly or won't meter.

    Furthermore, I had to use a 7D Mk II or 80D body - now some newer models have come out since then, so I can't say that's all there is but I have got both bodies, and using them with the 100-400 and the 1.4x Mk III I get full functionality. I also get reasonable results as per below, as usual hand held...

    Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Canon 7D Mk II, 100-400 with 1.4 x Mk III 560mm + f8 + 1/320 ISO 200

    Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Canon 7D Mk II, 100-400 with 1.4 x Mk III 560mm + f8 + 1/1000 ISO 200
    Last edited by Tronhard; 2nd August 2017 at 02:10 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    None of the others (i.e. Mk II 1.4 or 2, or the 2.0Mk III) can do that - they either won't autofocus properly or won't meter.
    I have different bodies, but my experience has been different. The combination of Mark II 1.4x and 100-400II meters and focuses flawlessly on my 5DIII, even at 400mm, where the maximum aperture is f/8. I just tested it again this morning. It will not AF on my 7D generation 1, but that is to be expected, since the 7D is not designed to AF with apertures smaller than f/5.6. I have never tried this with a 7DII or a Mark III 1.4x, as I don't own either one.

    I have used the 1.4 II quite a bit with my 70-200, and my impression has been that it does cause modest degradation of image quality, although typically not enough to be bothersome. I confirmed that when I got my 100-400. I compared the 100-400 + 1.4x on the 5DII to the 100-400 alone to compare image quality. I reduced the focal length to 350mm on the 7D to give me approximately the same reach as the 5DIII with the teleconverter. I posted a detailed focus chart on a wall to give me a comparison of detail. The 7D with the 100-400 alone was clearly superior. At 100%, the combination with the 1.4 x was less sharp and had noticeably more CA. Of course, some of this could have been the difference in FL, but I doubt it. At lower resolutions, a lot of this would disappear. If you would like to see the images, you can access the full-size jpegs here:

    Here they are at a low resolution, starting with the 7D:

    Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

  5. #5

    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    I have different bodies, but my experience has been different. The combination of Mark II 1.4x and 100-400II meters and focuses flawlessly on my 5DIII,
    Hi Dan:

    That's interesting. On the documentation I read (it's been a while but I shall try to find it), the 5D Mk III was not listed and I never considered putting the lens combo on the 5DMkIII (which I have) because I wanted to use it with a crop sensor. But now I shall have a shot myself! I did get some feedback through one of the review sites that suggested (as one would hope) that the Mk III version of the teleconverter offered better optics than the earlier marks, I have no experience of this myself and I never used the earlier marks. For me it seemed logical that if I was going to buy a teleconverter I may as well get the latest version.

    Here is a link to the latest article I can see on the subject, it seems to embrace what we both said as the 5DIII compatibility depended on a firmware update, thus it is likely that some articles and compatibility sheets did not pick the upgrade and include it in their lists.

    On a different issue... I was trying to post a third JPG file to my post and TinyPix just refused to upload it - I kept getting error messages. I logged out and in of CiC, then tried again, purged my caches and tried, rebooted the computer and tried and still the program refused to accept the image - I checked and it's a perfectly normal file with no issue. Weird...
    Last edited by Tronhard; 2nd August 2017 at 01:44 PM.

  6. #6
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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    I have decided to bite the bullet. When and if I purchase a 1.4x TC to use with my 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II lens, it will be the Canon Mk-3 model. I have never regretted getting the best equipment but, have often regretted going cheap and buying less than I want.
    A lot of my joy in photography (and fishing) comes from using top line gear...
    Of course, "TOP-LINE" would really mean a longer Canon prime lens but, I absolutely don't want to lug around any more heavy gear than I already have...
    My local brick and mortar camera shop has the Mark-3 TC for rent at twenty USD per day. I am thinking of renting one for a day to see if I really like it... That might save me money in the long run!
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 2nd August 2017 at 05:17 PM.

  7. #7

    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Hi Richard:

    I think both decisions (renting with a view to buying the Mark III) are an excellent idea.

  8. #8
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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    the 5DIII compatibility depended on a firmware update,
    sorry that I forgot to mention that. The update was so long ago (spring of 2013) that I had forgotten to mention it.

    I would love to have that functionality with my 7D, but I can't justify a 7DII...

  9. #9

    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    sorry that I forgot to mention that. The update was so long ago (spring of 2013) that I had forgotten to mention it.

    I would love to have that functionality with my 7D, but I can't justify a 7DII...
    I have the 5DIII with the updates and never actually bothered to try it , and I took at face value the article that was published, apparently on data for the 5DIII before the firmware update was issued.
    Last edited by Tronhard; 2nd August 2017 at 06:58 PM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    I figured that the Mk.ii could not be any better than the Mk.iii so I purchased a mint (as advertised) Mk.iii on eBay for $342 USD (including shipping). I will be expecting it in about a week. With the deferred payments of PayPal Credit, I don't have to save up for the unit. Simply pay it off within 6-months and the interest is free!

    I read some very stellar comments about the Mk.iii on the 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II lens...

    I also read a comment from a person who actually used both the Mk.ii and Mk.iii models and who stated that, in his opinion, the Mk.iii was superior to the Mk.ii on his 100-400 Mk.ii lens.

    If I had purchased the Mk.ii, I would always be wondering if my images would have been better with the Mk.iii...

    I will post my results...

    AND... yes I could have originally purchased a Sigma or Tamron lens with a native maximum focal length of 600mm (and saved a bit of money doing so) but, I really like lots of things about the 100-400L Mk.ii
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 3rd August 2017 at 02:24 AM.

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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Here is a link to a video by Arthur Morris on bird photography, especially using teleconverters. Morris is an excellent bird photographer and puts up his images where most presenters only talk...

  12. #12
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Here is a link to a video by Arthur Morris on bird photography, especially using teleconverters. Morris is an excellent bird photographer and puts up his images where most presenters only talk...
    Richard, many thanks for posting the link.

    This afternoon I was pp'ing eaglet (on nest) photos taken with the Canon 100-400 mki plus 1.4x mkiii TC, on a tripod with a cable release. They are not as sharp as I'd hoped but think the reason was possibly because of the need to manual focus with this combination on a 60D.
    Last edited by Cantab; 4th August 2017 at 01:40 AM.

  13. #13
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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Here are a few images that I shot years ago using a Canon 30D DSLR with a 70-200mm f/4L IS lens and my old Canon 1.4x Mk.i teleconverter...
    Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii
    Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii
    Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii
    I wish that I had my old 1.4x TC with me right now so I could check the difference (I HOPE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE) between the Mk.i and Mk.iii (which I will be receiving soon). I asked if anyone in my camera club has a Mk.i (for that matter a Mk.ii also) so I can test them head to head with my new forthcoming Mk.iii,

  14. #14
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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii


    Unfortunately, web postings like this aren't terribly informative, unless the OP wants to post low-res images on the web and not much else. Your middle image is 1,280px × 857px. At that resolution, all manner of sins will be obscured, and the differences between high- and lower-quality optics will be hard to see.


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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    A member of my photo group, at the surfing contest, was using the same rig as mine (7D2 and 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II) with a 1.4x Mk.II TC. He posted his shots here:
    He has since purchased a Mk.III TC but, has not (as of the posting date) tried it on real life subjects...

  16. #16

    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Richard those are excellent shots and the resolution on the screen looks great.

  17. #17
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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    I received the TC this afternoon and it "looks" mint. I put it on the camera for a couple of quick shots and it seems to work just fine. I will do a thorough wring-out tomorrow...

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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Canon 7D2, ISO 640, 1/4000 second at f/5.6 = f/8 with Canon 1.4x Mk.iii TC
    I shot it at ISO 640 because I will want to hand hold this lens for birds and I will need a fast shutter speed.
    I will shoot at various focal lengths, various ISO and various f/stops and shutter speeds tomorrow.
    400mm + 1.4xTC = 560mm or 896mm full frame equivalent
    Saved as JPEG with no reduction in size - linked to a posting which is in full size

    NIK RAW Presharpener applied - I always shoot RAW and ALWAYS apply the NIK RAW Presharpener
    Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii
    The A/F using Center point seems pretty fast and accurate.
    Generally, this is a very promising introduction to my new 1.4x TC Mk.iii which I purchased used.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 11th August 2017 at 12:56 AM.

  19. #19
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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Richard, I'm glad the purchase is working out. I wish I had autofocus with the 1.4TC mkiii plus the mki 100-400 with my 60D. My manual focus has worked well sometimes but not so well other times.

  20. #20
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    Re: Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Canon 7D2, ISO 640, 1/4000 second at f/5.6 = f/8 with Canon 1.4x Mk.iii TC
    I shot it at ISO 640 because I will want to hand hold this lens for birds and I will need a fast shutter speed.
    I will shoot at various focal lengths, various ISO and various f/stops and shutter speeds tomorrow.
    400mm + 1.4xTC = 560mm or 896mm full frame equivalent
    Saved as JPEG with no reduction in size - linked to a posting which is in full size

    NIK RAW Presharpener applied - I always shoot RAW and ALWAYS apply the NIK RAW Presharpener
    Canon Teleconverter - Mk-ii or Mk-iii
    The A/F using Center point seems pretty fast and accurate.
    Generally, this is a very promising introduction to my new 1.4x TC Mk.iii which I purchased used.
    After I used Dfine on this image - it even looks good at 100%

    I will do testing on the TC as soon as my dog rescue obligations allow...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 14th August 2017 at 02:38 AM.

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