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Thread: Tinypic

  1. #1

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    Any news? When this happened before, I could post the occasional image but the exclusion this time seems to be permanent.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Tinypic

    Seems to be working for me. I just uploaded this a few seconds ago...


  3. #3

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    Re: Tinypic

    Manfred, I should download that in short order but not all at once.

    I think the last time we had problems, there seemed to be a regional element at work. As it happens, I have finally managed to post an image this evening but it's only the second after several tries every day for about a week.
    Last edited by John 2; 5th August 2017 at 09:58 PM.

  4. #4
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Tinypic

    I've been having problems too, today, so they aren't just picking on your side of the world today.

  5. #5

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    Re: Tinypic

    Hasn't worked for me since the evening of July 31, and I've tried to upload a few times each day since then.

  6. #6
    Cogito's Avatar
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    Re: Tinypic

    I don't use Tinypics, maybe because of the constant issues. My question to the administrators is why "recommend it?" It doesn't work! So why not attempt to enable posters to upload directly from their hard drive? I'm able to do this to a number of other sites.....

  7. #7
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Tinypic

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Seems to be working for me. I just uploaded this a few seconds ago...
    But the image had fuzzy bits Manfred

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Tinypic

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    But the image had fuzzy bits Manfred
    Good. It was supposed to. Alcohol has that effect on me...

  9. #9
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Tinypic

    Unable to load from tinypic using the 'click here to upload photos from computer' so tried another method, using Tinypic.

    Joined up to Tinypic, uploaded an image to it. Located that image and 'copied the image address' (right click over it).

    Pasted that address into the Insert Image 'URL' box after clicking on the 'Insert Image' icon, (third from right in the tool bar).


    But it failed because I selected the image icon

  10. #10

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    Re: Tinypic

    Dropbox Test:

    Last edited by RandyRFJP; 7th August 2017 at 07:34 PM. Reason: Test to see if I can link to Dropbox file.

  11. #11

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    Re: Tinypic

    Randy that is great news in the current circumstances. I have a basic Dropbox account that I haven't used in 5yrs (apparently). Grateful if you would outline the process for posting an image from a Dropbox folder. It would get around the current problems for me as well.

  12. #12

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    Re: Tinypic - Corrected Typographical Error

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    Randy that is great news in the current circumstances. I have a basic Dropbox account that I haven't used in 5yrs (apparently). Grateful if you would outline the process for posting an image from a Dropbox folder. It would get around the current problems for me as well.
    This is how I did it:

    1. Sign into your Dropbox account. It will take you to the "Files" page of your account.
    Do not navigate to a folder you might have created on the "Files" page in the past. I couldn't get anything to post from a folder I had created in the past, but I might have done something wrong. I was happy to get images not in folders to post so I didn't pursue it. (My guess is that I hadn't "Shared" the folder and it was set as "Private.")
    2. You will see a blue-colored, Upload Files rectangular "box" near on the top right of the screen. Click that box.
    3. A new window will appear. Use that window to navigate to the location of the file you want to post that's located on your computer. Click on the file you want to upload.
    4. Your file should now appear highlighted on your files page, and have a blue-colored check mark on the left side of its thumbnail image. Click the Share box to the right of the file you up-loaded, and a new, smaller window will appear. Click "copy link" and the Dropbox url will automatically be saved for you.
    5. When you want to post an image in CiC, use Ctrl-V to paste the copied link into your post, but you have to modify the link so it it "automatically" shows your photo when that CiC page is open.
    6. For example, I uploaded to Dropbox an image I posted at CiC in the past, and got this url, which will not automatically show the image in CiC:

    At the end of the url change dl=0 to dl=1
    At the front of the url add the tag [IMG]
    At the end of the url add the tag [/IMG]

    The result will be:


    You should see my lion photo.

    You should note that that there is a Dropbox "traffic limit" variously reported as 2 to 2.5 GB per day for free accounts, but that should be fine for posts at CiC until the TinyPic problem is resolved.
    Last edited by RandyRFJP; 7th August 2017 at 12:52 PM. Reason: Corrected typo error. End tag should be [/IMG]

  13. #13

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    Re: Tinypic

    Randy, that's great. Thank you. I had managed to get as far as uploading an image into the Files area of my account and thankfully, failed miserably to move the image into the Images Folder. I will try the rest tomorrow after a good nights sleep. Very nice image of the Lion BTW.

  14. #14

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    Re: Tinypic

    Randy, success. Thank you for your very clear instructions. One thing though, I discovered that the last tag in your instructions should read [/IMG] and not /[IMG] otherwise it doesn't work. Using it is about as easy as Tinypic when it's working and like Tinypic, is free of charge at this level. If you make the above correction to the URL in your post, I think it would be worth your instruction set to become a pinned item for others to use as a Tinypic alternative as and when its needed. Unless you wish to do so, I don't mind offering the suggestion to the Mods for consideration.
    Last edited by John 2; 7th August 2017 at 09:26 AM.

  15. #15

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    Re: Tinypic

    Well, it seems that everybody is trying to find alternative solutions to the Tinypic problem I tried to upload an image a few minutes ago, but it failed . Is there any fresh news about it? Have we lost Tinypic forever ?

  16. #16
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: Tinypic

    I managed to post an image yesterday, but nothing since, tried several times, may give the dropbox instructions that Randy supplied a try

  17. #17

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    Re: Tinypic

    For those trying the Dropbox method, you may prefer a slightly different method and I can confirm that it works whether using an existing folder or a new folder. The method described below is how it works with Windows 10 on my system:

    1- Use your computer's operating system to copy the pertinent image file, to navigate to the pertinent Dropbox folder and to paste the image file into it. All of my image files in Dropbox are stored in its Photos directory, so I don't know about folders stored in other directories.

    2- Once the image file has synced as indicated by the little icon changing from blue to green, right click the thumbnail and select Copy Dropbox Link.

    3- In the CiC message window, click the Insert Image icon and paste the link into the new text box that appears using whatever method you typically use. As Randy explained, change the last character in the URL from 0 to 1. Click OK to close the window and to automatically add the URL properly configured to display the image in the CiC post.

    Keep in mind that as you place more and more photos in your Dropbox account and if you leave them there permanently, you will eventually need to increase the storage capacity of your account. Doing so will probably cost money. In that sense, Dropbox is no different than any other online photo-sharing account that charges money for increased storage.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 7th August 2017 at 12:50 PM.

  18. #18

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    Re: Tinypic

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    Randy, success. Thank you for your very clear instructions. One thing though, I discovered that the last tag in your instructions should read [/IMG] and not /[IMG] otherwise it doesn't work. Using it is about as easy as Tinypic when it's working and like Tinypic, is free of charge at this level. If you make the above correction to the URL in your post, I think it would be worth your instruction set to become a pinned item for others to use as a Tinypic alternative as and when its needed. Unless you wish to do so, I don't mind offering the suggestion to the Mods for consideration.
    You're correct about my typographical area. Thanks, John, for pointing it out. I'll make the correction to my post above.

  19. #19

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    Re: Tinypic

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post

    Keep in mind that as you place more and more photos in your Dropbox account and if you leave them there permanently, you will eventually need to increase the storage capacity of your account. Doing so will probably cost money. In that sense, Dropbox is no different than any other online photo-sharing account that charges money for increased storage.
    I assume that if you delete the image from Dropbox, it will also disappear from the forum??

  20. #20
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Tinypic

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    I assume that if you delete the image from Dropbox, it will also disappear from the forum??
    I haven't linked from dropbox, but I always post by linking from Smugmug, and at least some of the time, images I delete from Smugmug disappear here. I assume it would be the same.

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