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Thread: Pretty well indestructible CF card...

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Pretty well indestructible CF card...

    I shot the Obon Dori Festival yesterday using a "clean" CF card. How do I know it was clean? Well, my wife ran my jeans through the washing machine with the CF card in a pocket. No problem with the CF card, I think that these darn things are pretty well indestructible. However, I rescued the card before my wife placed the jeans in the dryer

    I did give the card a couple of days to dry out before I placed it in my camera.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Pretty well indestructible CF card...

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I shot the Obon Dori Festival yesterday using a "clean" CF card. How do I know it was clean? Well, my wife ran my jeans through the washing machine. No problem with the CF card, I think that these darn things are pretty well indestructible. I did, however, rescue the card before my wife placed the jeans in the dryer
    Good save, I always thought those cards were flimsy especially SD cards, I have one that cracked near the protection tab that I only used afterwards for transferring images between laptops.

  3. #3
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Pretty well indestructible CF card...

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I shot the Obon Dori Festival yesterday using a "clean" CF card. How do I know it was clean? Well, my wife ran my jeans through the washing machine with the CF card in a pocket. No problem with the CF card, I think that these darn things are pretty well indestructible. However, I rescued the card before my wife placed the jeans in the dryer

    I did give the card a couple of days to dry out before I placed it in my camera.
    Well done. The static electricity generated by the dryer was likely to be far more damaging to the card than the soapy water. However a rinse in distilled water followed by one in alcohol would have reduced the chance of corrosion - let's hope it has gold plated contacts.

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