Hi Ole,
Nice shot!
It is easy for me to critique this after the fact, compared to shooting something better had I been presented with the same opportunity, I am under no illusion that I could have.
So please bear that in mind when I suggest that an unfortunate combination of circumstances has led to my eyes being continually drawn to her left nostril when I view the image.
If only that fold of veil had not been 'pointing' to it
If only her chin had been lowered slightly - perhaps you could have mimed a request through the window?
If only you had shot from just a little higher
The nostril size and contrast could of course be reduced in PP with a subtle combination of treatments.
The only other suggestion is that, if mine, I think I'd crop 10-15% off the right hand side and reapply the vignette.
I hope my musings are helpful in some small way,