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Thread: Puffins on Shetland Island (C&C Welcome)

  1. #1
    TheBigE's Avatar
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    Puffins on Shetland Island (C&C Welcome)

    Admins - Sorry wrong Forum (long day at work). Can you please move to Nature and Architecture.

    Found these guys perched on a ledge in the Shetland Islands. We were basically atop a mountain with the wind blowing so hard, it was difficult to stand...and then the rain, yes the little beds of sand hitting your face.

    Hard to concentrate - raised settings quite a bit because of weather.

    1. Standing By - ISO 3200, f/7.1, 1/1600s at 70mm
    Puffins on Shetland Island (C&C Welcome)

    Edge of the Cliff ISO 3200, f/7.1, 1/2500s at 38mm I feel this one really gives context to where they were perched on the edge of the cliff, looking down to the water below.

    Puffins on Shetland Island (C&C Welcome)

    Despite having only a limited time, I found that the Shetland Island was simply amazing and one area I would like to return and spend more time.

    C&C Always Welcome
    Last edited by TheBigE; 9th August 2017 at 07:10 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Puffins on Shetland Island (C&C Welcome)

    Second one is definitely my preferred image from these two. First one is OK but there are a lot of out of focus Thrift seedheads in front of the left side bird. Nothing you can do about things like that when shooting though. I frequently get similar problems with my bird shots.

  3. #3
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Puffins on Shetland Island (C&C Welcome)

    #2 is very nice.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Puffins on Shetland Island (C&C Welcome)

    Nice series.

  5. #5
    TheBigE's Avatar
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    Re: Puffins on Shetland Island (C&C Welcome)

    Thanks everyone for comments. I look back and would like to have something different, maybe lower or different POV. Frankly the weather was just inhospitable that day and not really reflected in image (maybe 2 as you see the Seas crashing below).

    Was literally jumping out of the car, wiping my lens and trying to stay standing in this photos to captures these guys.

    On another note, I truly think that the Shetland Island are a hidden Gem - seems today the Trendy Place to go is Iceland. I must say, I really have the desire to go back and spend some time (week) on this tiny island. Here is a link to a few other photos during my short visit.

    It is very high on my list to return to in the future. This is one of the benefits of a cruise, and the drawback as well, but even with a short time in port I can quickly determine if this is a place I would like to visit again in the future.

    It is quite difficult to get into the Island, and we talked with a couple that said this time was their 3rd time trying to get to the Island. All other times have been canx because of weather.

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Puffins on Shetland Island (C&C Welcome)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBigE View Post
    We were basically atop a mountain with the wind blowing so hard, it was difficult to stand...and then the rain, yes the little beds of sand hitting your face.
    Ah yes, welcome to summer in Scotland!

    Two excellent photographs. I think the second one is particularly strong because it shows us well, the context - the roaring sea below the high cliffs.

  7. #7
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Puffins on Shetland Island (C&C Welcome)

    Lovely images of these lovely birds

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