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Thread: In conversation with... Colin Southern

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    In conversation with... Colin Southern

    I'm looking for more 'volunteers'. Lurk if you want to, but you can only lurk for so long. You know how to reach me. Please don't wait for the request from me, because then I will have to turn on the charm (ask Kay)and you know how that pains me... If you are fairly new to photography and would like to take part in a conversation but are worried that there won't be enough detail, please PM me. I can change some of the questions to make it more suitable for starter photographers. We want to hear from a range of members.

    Previous conversations are here... (but please read this one first!)

    Sean T. McHugh (McQ)
    Steve O'Neill (Wirefox)
    Kay Wilson (wilgk)
    Mike (Clactonian)

    Colin Southern is an Administrator at CiC. He is much more than that of course - professional photographer, computer expert, friend to the info-needy, man-of-the-world, bon viveur (I'm running out of accolades here...). His contribution to CiC is so well know to you all that a few pathetic words from me won't really suffice... so here he is...

    Note: there are four images of Colin's in this thread - if you can't see them all please PM me.

  2. #2

    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    In conversation with... Colin Southern

    ©Image, Steve (Wirefox)

    In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Name: Colin Southern
    Location: Nelson, New Zealand.

    Hi, Colin, and thanks for joining us today (what am I saying? you join us every day!).

    Hi Rob, it's a business doing pleasure with you (as the prostitute said to the bishop).

    Perhaps we can start by you telling us something about your back-ground. What about your work history – anything interesting?

    Well ... I dropped out of high school at the end of the 4th form (year 10 I think they call it these days) to become what every young man wants to become (an engraver), but about a year or so after that I left to work for my brother on the family farm. Well, the farming lasted about 6 weeks - just couldn't handle the (sometimes) 3:30am starts - and big smelly beasts; just wasn't the life for me. So I went into town and went to see the Army recruiter ... or so I thought; turns out he was the Air Force recruiter - and he was expecting someone else too. So after we sorted that out we had a chat anyway, and he thought I'd be better off in the Air Force - and that's where I ended up for the next 7 years (doing Avionics).

    After that, I went to work for a computer company and (to cut a long story short), ended up in Nelson where I eventually set up my own computer company that I continue to run to this day ... in addition to my photography business ... in addition to my fine art printing business. Was this supposed to be brief? Oops, me bad!

    And what about your family/home life?

    I think I have a family - just can't remember where I left them! Nah - in all seriousness I have a partner and two girls, currently aged 15 and 10. I don't get as much time at home as I'd like (kinda like working a full and a part-time job), but we seem to do OK. And the money is great to have when it comes to buying new photographic toys

    If you were in tonight (rather than down the harbour at dark doing a fourty minute exposure), what would you choose as one of your favourite books and/or films to keep you entertained, and what you be having as your favourite meal?

    Hmmm - that's a tough one! I have about 25 books on my iPad at the moment - mostly photographic ones (I said PHOTOgraphic Rob, not pornographic!!!) Often I don't make it all the way through them, but the last one I did make it all the way through was "Highest Duty" by pilot and newly ordained national hero Chesley Sullenburger, which I have to say I really enjoyed.

    In terms of films well I guess it can only be Top Gun (I think I've literally watched it well over 100 times), but Pleasantville & Avatar come a close second. Favourite meal - hmmm - I actually eat out quite a lot (saves having to reheat something when I get home after 8pm most nights) - but I'd probably have to give the nod to roast lamb, with roast potatoes, peas, carrots, and pumpkin. Oh, and lots of mint sauce ... or pretty much anything served up on one of my biggest customers fishing boats (that surprises most people, but the food they enjoy is unbelievable; standard stuff, but so so so so well cooked, and plenty of it).

    In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Photography is a given, but what about other hobbies or personal interests?

    I don't have a life outside of Photography, that I am aware of! Although I have taken to trying to fly a cheap model helicopter of recent (that aviation theme just keeps recurring doesn't it!) In all seriousness, I used to enjoy and be very actively involved in aviation, but sadly it became a case of "the planes I enjoy, it's just all the people around them I can't stand" (too many egos). I guess that with photography my ego and I are perfectly happy together when left alone for a shoot!

    How long have you been a photographer, and what got you interested?

    I used to play with my Dad's box Brownie as a kid, and I had a Kodak Instamatic - so somewhere over a 40+ year span (on and off) things slowly ramped up through film, point and shoot, bridge cameras, entry-level DSLRs, pro-sumer DSLRs, I've finally "arrived" at pro-level DSLRs (no plans for medium or large format).

    What type of photography are you interested in, and why?

    I thought it was landscape, but now I'm not so sure! I enjoy landscape, but in more recent times I've built my own studio and also been involved with more outdoor portraiture ... and I've come to the realization that what I really enjoy is simply creating beautiful images. It's come as somewhat of a surprise to me that I really don't mind what "type" of photography they come from.

    In conversation with... Colin Southern

    What do you think of CiC? Any way it could be improved?

    I could be a little biased! I used to spend a lot of time on another site (who shall remain nameless, to protect the guilty!), but I was very frustrated there. I'm pretty much an "all or nothing" kinda guy and frequently ended up in situations where some things really needed to change for the better with that site, but all I got was petty "double-speak" from those higher up the chain. Egos ran wild, and it ended up with the same tired people uttering the same tired (and biased) mantra time and time and time again (in fact, many of them are still there).

    So I went looking for some place different, and thankfully, discovered CiC For me it seemed to work well - I must have appeared to have something to offer (I think I was only here about 6 weeks when Sean made me his first moderator), and in return when things needed to be tweaked, Sean could often do it in minutes (whereas with the other site things never changed).

    The other thing I've always thought works well is the fact that we're a "niche" site ... someone can ask for help with an image or technique and we can help them right there and then, whereas on "the other site" you'd typically get image critiques telling "what you did wrong", but not a lot about "how to overcome that" whereas here we can just go off on a bit of a tangent and help fix the problem on the spot.

    What keeps you awake at night, apart from Photoshop?

    Nothing A few years ago I was diagnosed as a severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea sufferer, so these days I get to sleep hooked up to an automatic positive air pressure machine, and sleep very well at night now thank you! And I just have to add that the sound it makes is like a quieter version of the sound you hear in a jet aircraft ... so there's that aviation theme again! (I must have trained my mind into thinking I'm flying an F18 in my sleep!) So there you go -- probably too much information for some, but something I'm happy to talk to people about because it is a serious conditions with some possibly really bad consequences if left untreated. And the treatment isn't as big a deal as many might think ('cause you're asleep!).

    I'm afraid to ask you this... what photographic gear do you own, and what software do you use for editing?

    Here begins a journey ... Canon 1Ds3, EF14mm/F2.8L II, EF85mm/F1.2L II, EF135mm/F2.0L. EF16-35mm/F2.8L II. EF24-70/F2.8L, EF70-200/F2.8L IS II, TS-E 90mm, Gitzo Tripod, RRS 55mm Ballhead, 4x 580EX II, 4x CP-E4 HV accellerators, 4x TT5 Flex PocketWizards, 1x TT1 Mini Pocket Wizards, 5x Elinchrom 1200RS Strobe Heads, 40" LED TV (for tethered shooting), 2x dedicated PCs, and a whole bunch of soft boxes / grids / snoots / barn doors / reflectors etc, many Singh-Ray filters, 3x petrol driven 230 volt generators ... an a whole lot more. That'll teach you for asking!

    For editing I'm a one-stop Adobe shop guy. Just haven't found a need for any of the other plethora of processing software out there.

    Of course I don't know how to use any of what I have!

    Yeah, right, Colin - like this shot, you mean?

    In conversation with... Colin Southern

    It’s a tough one to answer, but how would you rate your photographic skills and ability?

    Photography has been described as being where "technology meets art" In all honesty (all joking aside here) I'm very strong on the technology side, and by default, quite weak on the art side. However, I'm a fast learner, so the art side continues to improve with experience. At the end of the day, there will always be those who are better at photography than me, and those who are worse; so long as I can learn from those who are better, and help those who are worse then I'm in a happy place

    What will the digital camera be like in 2020? And will you still own one?

    Well I've passed lots of suggestions on to Canon, and not very many ever make it into products ... so who the heck knows! I know what I'd like to see, but that wasn't the question!

    Do you help or encourage others in their photography?

    I try!

    Another tough one…do you consider photography to be art?

    Very much so, although I still struggle to think of myself as an artist (I couldn't even draw a recognisable circle!)

    What do you want to achieve through your photography?

    Fame and fortune. Seriously!

    In conversation with... Colin Southern

    How do you feel about having your own shot taken?

    The other day I only just managed to escape from a burning building, but when I saw a photographer waiting outside, I turned around and ran back in. Does that answer the question?

    What single piece of advice do you think is most useful to someone starting out with photography

    Accept the fact that at this stage you probably don't know how much you don't know.

    So seek the advice of those here who have "been there and done that" - and then listen to what they have to say. Don't get caught up trying to make a decision based on unfamiliar specifications; in real world photography it just doesn't work that way.

    Finally, can you give us one interesting/weird/silly thing about you that we probably don’t know?

    OK - don't tell anyone - but I've seen the Hannah Montana movie 3 times with my daughters ... and enjoyed it each time!

    Thank you Colin for taking the time to talk to us, it’s been a real pleasure.

    Know worries Rob (oops, I meant "No worries Rob") Thanks for putting this series together for us!

  3. #3

    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    If you wish to ask Colin any questions or make any general comments please do so from here on.

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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Sleep Apnea sufferers rule, OK!!

    CPAP treatment has changed my life as well.

    Great to get this further understanding of one of the key people on CiC. Thanks Colin.

  5. #5
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Yeah, this little series is really good. Afraid I've turned back into a bit of a lurker here as I rarely get time to make a useful contribution. But with people like Colin, Sean, Dave and the rest of you, I really don't have to.

  6. #6
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    "automatic positive air pressure machine".
    Is that the southern hemisphere name for a blow up doll? I hear say that they have a soporific effect!!
    Do tell when you learn of an easy route to fame and fortune. Good luck and thanks for the insight.

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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    When did you start taking long exposure (ie: above 10 minute) photographs and why did you start? What prompted you to follow this type of photography? Did you start with the longer exposures first or did the use of filters prompt this? That's enough for now, but trust me I have at least another dozen or so.

  8. #8

    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Fame and fortune. Seriously!
    I thinks thats admirable, seriously, you know what you want and you have the ability to go for it and damn good luck with it too.

    (PS; dont forget I said that when you get there and I am asking you to sign my breasts with a magic marker)

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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Quote Originally Posted by Clactonian View Post
    "automatic positive air pressure machine".
    Is that the southern hemisphere name for a blow up doll?
    You got me Damn, Rob told me that the terms of sale were confidential!

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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Quote Originally Posted by hoffstriker View Post
    When did you start taking long exposure (ie: above 10 minute) photographs and why did you start? What prompted you to follow this type of photography? Did you start with the longer exposures first or did the use of filters prompt this? That's enough for now, but trust me I have at least another dozen or so.
    Hi Chris,

    I'm my own favourite subject, so ask away

    It would have been a few years ago when I got my 2 to 8 stop Vari-ND filter (mostly because it's pretty hard to do it without it) - and I got my lightmeter not long after that (which makes metering them a lot easier). So "a few years ago".

    As to why I started ... I can't really remember to be honest, but probably because I'd seen some of the results others got - liked it - and then wondered how I could get this type of result (same for portraiture).

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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    I thinks thats admirable, seriously, you know what you want and you have the ability to go for it and damn good luck with it too.
    Thanks Steve,

    Someone once said "just because someone is good at the technical side of a business" (like being a good photographer), "doesn't mean to say that they'll do well running a business that does those technical things" (ie "running a photography business").

    In my case photography, printing etc are part of what I do for a living, but it's a bit of a catch 22 though in that I'm too busy with other things to have the time to grow this side of the business as quickly as I'd like.

    No doubt that I'm happiest when I'm shooting though

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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post

    Do you help or encourage others in their photography?
    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    I try!
    And you succeed! - every day
    Both directly in 'actual lessons' and indirectly by your answers to questions from others and by what you post yourself.....

    A 'good bloke' as they say around here

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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Quote Originally Posted by wilgk View Post
    And you succeed! - every day
    Both directly in 'actual lessons' and indirectly by your answers to questions from others and by what you post yourself.....

    A 'good bloke' as they say around here
    I try!

    (and my kids say I'm "very trying", but I'm not sure that's the same thing!)

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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Well, to continue, what types (brands) of filters do you use for your long exposures? Do you use mainly ND filters (vs GND) and how do you decide what extent (in stops) to go to? Is it solely based on your light meter reading? How are you metering so far off in the distance? Are you preferable to attempting shots with the sun just past set vs sun setting and why?

    I told you I have a lot, plus there are many more...

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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Quote Originally Posted by hoffstriker View Post
    Well, to continue, what types (brands) of filters do you use for your long exposures?

    Do you use mainly ND filters (vs GND)
    It depends on the scene, as the two are used for different things. ND are used for decreasing the shutterspeed (or DoF), whilst GND are used for dynamic range compression. Sometimes I use both

    how do you decide what extent (in stops) to go to? Is it solely based on your light meter reading?
    With GND I only have 3-Stop hard edge (in normal and reverse), so the number of stops is an easy choice The Vari-ND does 2 to 8 stops (plus another 5 with a Moreslo filter), so usually I just set the aperture and then adjust the attenuation to give the shutterspeed I want. So it all comes down to the shutterspeed - and that comes down to the efect I want.

    How are you metering so far off in the distance?
    Using the light meter's spot metering function.

    Are you preferable to attempting shots with the sun just past set vs sun setting and why?
    With wide angle shots the sun represends only a very small part of the shot - and of course it's disproportionately bright ... so the longer you wait, the further it dips below the horizon ... the the more the light spreads out ... and the better the shot (well for the kinds of things I shoot anyway). So I don't normally shoot naked sun, and most shots are 1/2 to 1 1/2 hours after sunset.

    I told you I have a lot, plus there are many more...
    Next please

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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Not on the subject of photography, but I find it interesting that you were in Avionics. I was also, albeit some time before you. As an example, I installed well over 500 ARC 44s before I got involved in something more exciting. (Exciting ... think Confucious ) What was the center of your Avionics, as in Comm, Nav or Control?

    I enjoy your photography and envy you your opportunities. I do want to thank you for your efforts here to help me and all of us.


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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Quote Originally Posted by PopsPhotos View Post
    What was the center of your Avionics, as in Comm, Nav or Control?
    Hi Pops,

    In my day Avionics comprised of instrument (air speed indicators, altimeters etc) electrical (generators & power-systems), radar, and comms. I ended up in the comms arm, but sub-specialised in test equipment (calibration & repair) for the most part.

    I enjoy your photography and envy you your opportunities. I do want to thank you for your efforts here to help me and all of us.
    No worries Pops (and thanks for the kind words). I'd like to think that we're all on this earth to help each other.

  18. #18
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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Just to say Colin that for a Kiwi you scrub up real well but I guess that you are short on time to work 'our farm'
    Top interview Colin and thanks for sharing your skills. And to you Rob, thanks for these memories.
    I've been a bit 'slack' in my activities at CinC but I'm gaining my health back and are off this week for a long hol down to Aussie etc. So I will have a lot of catching up to do upon return

  19. #19
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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    Thanks for the insight Colin. I have run my own business for 20 years and know what you mean about the difference between knowing you subject and turining it into a business. It takes time but I am sure you will get there.

    One question about your long exposure. You mentioned in another post you do a number of short exposures when doing star trails. Do you also use a number of shorter shots to reduce noise on your longer exposures our just one 40 minute exposure?

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    Re: In conversation with... Colin Southern

    To follow-up on Peter's question, or do you often use your camera's long exposure noise reduction?

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