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Thread: Smear Test (Fuji X Users).

  1. #1

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    Smear Test (Fuji X Users).

    Posted for Fuji X users but thought there may be some general interest.

    ACR has gained a bit of a reputation for smearing detail in converting Fuji X Tran RAW files, particularly tree leaves. It has never bothered me before but it seemed to be unusually noticeable in a recent image that included a lot of foliage. I wasn't sure whether it was ADOBE or my processing so I downloaded a copy of the current favourite, IRIDENT's new X Transformer software, to see if I could make a comparison. The result is posted below. It's a shame that ADOBE can't get their act together like some of the independents have done.

    Smear Test (Fuji X Users).

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Smear Test (Fuji X Users).

    Would be easier to compare if separate images John, however, the exposure difference may be causing much of the problem difference, can you wind that down in ACR?

  3. #3
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Smear Test (Fuji X Users).

    Its a well known issue and a point of serious concern in Fuji forums/groups but in general I'd doesn't bother me as I rarely print large images. You're right though, Adobe should pull their finger out and sort their demosaicing algorithms out and stop this happening.

    That new bit of software from Iridient is very good and doesn't make too much of a mess to a Adobe only workflow. I have trialled it and might be tempted to buy it should I get back into printing more often.

  4. #4
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Smear Test (Fuji X Users).

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Would be easier to compare if separate images John, however, the exposure difference may be causing much of the problem difference, can you wind that down in ACR?
    It wouldn't help Dave, Adobe's raw engine does this with RAF files regardless. That said you can negate it to a reasonable level by altering the capture sharpening dramatically compared to conventional bayer filtered sensors.

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