Hi Brian, you are certainly getting sharp focus these days...
You are probably aware, but if not, there are masks that you can construct (or buy) which can help with getting pin-point sharpness.
Specifically Hartmann and Bahtinov masks.
As regards High ISO discussions there are two excellent links below which cover settings etc for Astrophotography by Jerry Lodriguss and a review of issues around Noise/ISO when capturing images. The Lonely Spec article is particularly though provoking and 'explains' why an high ISO eg 3200 is effective.
On a final point, I do wonder, given the sharpness you have achieved if maybe stacking 10 or so shots of saturn might just have shown a more defined disk.... just a thought.
All we have had here recently are overcast skies and rain and when clear, there has been significant moon! That said I've been getting some Moon shots with good detail this last few nights!