Last night wasn't promising. Then about 18:30 a hole started to open in the overcast. Ever the optimist out I went. For give or take an hour the hole stabilized. I concentrated on two areas: M4 and the star cloud just below the Lagoon Nebula. M4 to follow.
This shot is a combination of sixty colors, twenty flats and 20 offset/bias frames. Stacked in DSS and processed in Capture 1 Sony Pro.
The tracking technique was suggested by James and is simple but effective. Line up on a brightish star, take seven or so shots, re-align. Not exactly hi tech but it works. If you want to see what I caught make it full sized and open up a star chart. The Lagoon Nebula is at 12 o'clock and M22 is at 9 o'clock.
Credit where credit is due. James has helped my astrophotography a lot. Thanks.
ISO 3200 ~ Shutter Speed 3.2s ~ F2.8 ~ Sony Alpha a58 ~ Tamron 90mm 272E