Great composition. The magenta tones in the mountain and clouds don't work for me. If you don't have a capture that allows more breathing space for the top of the mountain, consider cropping a little below it so the viewers are left to their imagination about how high it goes.
Nice colors and shapes.
Last edited by lovelife65; 15th August 2017 at 12:05 AM.
Thanks John.
Hi Sharon,
I like the second edit more. The treeline on the mountain is more distinct which gives another layer to your bands of color from the lake to the sky. Also, as you said, there is more clarity in the mountain and trees in general, which I think is an improvement.
I love the canoe. It's details like that transform a "nice" shot into an interesting shot. It puts me into the scene. I want to be on a canoe on that lake.
Nice shot.
Thanks Michael. Hey, you aren't too far from my neck of the woods south. Beautiful area in which you live.
This was a photo I just pulled out of old ones (meaning about a month ago) that I had decided then to leave. Just thought I would play around with it. Look forward to seeing some of your part of the world here on CIC!
Really nicely composed, Sharon. I often place mountain tops too close to top of frame as well. As Mike mentioned when that happens sometimes it's better to crop the top off.
I would add a strip of cloudy sky at the top so that the mountain top gets some breathing space; it is rather easy since top layer is almost a cloud is superb
We're practically neighbors. I've been through Anacortes a few times. I supposed anyone who's been island hopping around this corner of the world has.
Edit: I just realized my profile picture was actually taken at Deception Pass State Park.
Dan, thank you. You are correct, I realized it was too close to the top, but eh... played with it anyhow. I wanted to be on a kayak on that water, so seeing the two in the boat made me jealous.
Nanda, great advice and thank you
Michael, yep, we are the gateway to the San Juans (and Victoria...). We live on the way to the ferry terminal. So fun to jump on and explore. Really want to see Gibsons. We hit Vancouver a lot, but not your little area...
Very late to this show, but I like the edit very much than the original one...