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Thread: A tree, clouds and....

  1. #1
    ST1's Avatar
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    A tree, clouds and....

    ....some heather .

    The tree resides on an area called Murk Mire Moor, not a particularly pretty name but at this time of the year it looks fairly pretty to me, does it to you?.

    As always your comments are welcome.

    #1 the original image.

    A tree, clouds and....

    #2 an additional image looking towards my camera position of #1 above. In this one you can see the cultivated land in the Esk valley with a little bits of heather covered moor on the horizon line.

    There may be a little too much heather in the foreground of this image for some people but I deliberately composed this scene like it is.

    A tree, clouds and....

    #3 Just for John the tree leans in to the frame.

    A tree, clouds and....
    Last edited by ST1; 20th August 2017 at 04:39 PM. Reason: Image #2 added.Edit 2 adds image #3

  2. #2
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    Yes. To me it is a beautiful composition. I just think that the foreground is a little bit much. Perhaps a crop up to same size from your signature bottom? Just a thought..

  3. #3
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    A nice composition

  4. #4
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    Yes. To me it is a beautiful composition. I just think that the foreground is a little bit much. Perhaps a crop up to same size from your signature bottom? Just a thought..
    Agree with Izzie, but perhaps try cropping at a little above your signature - cut out the wider patch of green?

  5. #5

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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    Hi Peter A lovely scene, are those lavanders? I agree with the comments above about cropping image from the bottom. I would crop from just above your signature. I like the green path as it leads my eyes to the tree.

  6. #6
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Hi Peter A lovely scene, are those lavanders? I agree with the comments above about cropping image from the bottom. I would crop from just above your signature. I like the green path as it leads my eyes to the tree.
    Hi Binnur, thanks for looking and commenting, I chose the composition to use the green as a line to the tree, I may as suggested consider a crop to the image. The flower is Heather and the moorland in North Yorkshire (and other moorland areas in the UK) comes to life with the heather flowers at this time of the year.
    Some of the areas are used for sports shooting. The landowners manage the game birds "Grouse" for this purpose. The grouse if they had any sense would leave the area at midnight on 11th of August, as the shooting season opens on the 12th.
    Thanks again for commenting.

    I'll add an additional image to my original post showing an alternative view.

  7. #7

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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    The second shot is nicely conceived, Peter. I like the sea of heather in the foreground though think it would have been stronger if more detail was visible. You didn't post EXIF data but if the lens was wide enough it might have been interesting to try a shot from a lower position. That said, I love that type of shot when I see one well executed but as of yet have never successfully done it myself.

    Grouse are not the among the more intelligent of God's creatures. Which I suppose lends to them being a favorite of hunters.

  8. #8
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    First time i could see the first image only ; i must say i like #1 over #2 because #1 could arouse some emotion of solitude, which, #2 fails to impart

  9. #9
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    The second shot is nicely conceived, Peter. I like the sea of heather in the foreground though think it would have been stronger if more detail was visible. You didn't post EXIF data but if the lens was wide enough it might have been interesting to try a shot from a lower position. That said, I love that type of shot when I see one well executed but as of yet have never successfully done it myself.

    Grouse are not the among the more intelligent of God's creatures. Which I suppose lends to them being a favorite of hunters.
    Hi Dan thanks for commenting, you're correct about the grouse

    Exif details of both of the raw files are ISO100, f16, 1/10 sec, I was using a 5D3 and a 24-105 Lens at 24mm. I cropped from a landscape image to the portrait you see at image #2. Image #1 was made in portrait and not cropped.

  10. #10
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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    First time i could see the first image only ; i must say i like #1 over #2 because #1 could arouse some emotion of solitude, which, #2 fails to impart
    I understand your feelings Nandakumar the first image only having the sky as a background does give a sense of solitude. As an aside whilst I was making images from the second position a couple wandered through the heather from the right side and sat down in the shade of the tree! I can't have been invisible to them. The gentleman eventually realised that the tree was the centre of my attention and started to walk towards me whilst apologising and offering to move. An offer I refused and just asked that they kept low down. I had to take his hat out of one of the images. They weren't under the tree in #1 so your perceived solitude was intact
    I was at a loss to understand why they parked a car in a peaceful spot then proceed to scramble through the heather to lay down under a tree which I suspect the local sheep use as a scratching post. Hopefully the couple didn't come away with sheep ticks or if they did and they have been infected, I hope they recognise the need to get the appropriate antibiotics, Lyme disease can be nasty - LINK

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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    Such a great eye to notice in the first one that the clouds "point" to the tree. It's interesting to me that there is too much foreground for me in the first image but not the second image. Even so, the composition in the first one is so much more compelling and distinctive for me. Though I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you photographed that scene in color because of the color of the heather, converting it to monochrome takes the image to the next level for me because of the intense focus on the tree.

  12. #12
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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Such a great eye to notice in the first one that the clouds "point" to the tree. It's interesting to me that there is too much foreground for me in the first image but not the second image. Even so, the composition in the first one is so much more compelling and distinctive for me. Though I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you photographed that scene in color because of the color of the heather, converting it to monochrome takes the image to the next level for me because of the intense focus on the tree.
    Mike as lone trees go this is probably one of my favourite ones. I have made images of it on a number of occasions and at different times of the year. But I've never considered carrying out a monochrome conversion. Thanks for the idea and for taking time to look and comment, much appreciated.

  13. #13

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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    Second image is very nice too Peter. Although they are both nice compositions, I would prefer the first image if I had to choose because of the feeling of vastness

  14. #14
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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    Quote Originally Posted by billtils View Post
    Agree with Izzie, but perhaps try cropping at a little above your signature - cut out the wider patch of green?
    My sentence composition was wrong, Peter..Bill here says it best...same size as below to the size above your signature crop is what I mean, I didn't know how to put it in a sentence right...sorry. One of my dumb moment...

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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    The second image for me Peter but both well conceived shots. - Now I'm going to be really picky. In the second image, had the tree been on the right of the comp, it would have been leaning into the frame. .............. I did say.....

  16. #16
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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    The second image for me Peter but both well conceived shots. - Now I'm going to be really picky. In the second image, had the tree been on the right of the comp, it would have been leaning into the frame. .............. I did say.....
    Well you did say John.....

    See my original post above

  17. #17

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    Re: A tree, clouds and....

    Peter, I prefer the first version. The second version has a bit too much foreground. The third version is, to my mind, balanced which does not excite me.

    I agree with Mike about converting picture to monochrome.
    Cheers Ole

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