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Thread: Nikon D850

  1. #21

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    Re: Nikon D850

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    I haven't heard too much of why anyone (who already owns a camera) wants the D850.
    We all have different needs based on what/how we shoot. For me the 850 may finally be a single body to suit all my needs. Which really simplifies traveling to and shooting in remote locations. In FF mode it will shoot 7fps which is sufficient for most wildlife(not too long ago I was thrilled to death with the D300 at that fps). If it's consistent with previous 800 series it will probably shoot a frame or two faster in crop modes(1.2x or 1.5x).

    1. High megapixel count
    Same MP count as some medium format bodies. And shooting in 1.5x crop mode(i.e.DX mode) you're still shooting equivalent pixel count as the D500 with the same focus module, likely better ISO performance, etc. With the built in crop modes shooting with the 200-500mm lens effectively gives you 200-750mm EFL. That's pretty cool.

    2. Extended ISO range-I've only seen one camera (D500) that benefits from this range.
    Depends on what you shoot. For wildlife/sports better ISO/noise performance always helps.

    3. 4K video
    And true slowmo. I've never shot video with any DSLR in part because without slowmo I don't really care.

    4. Multiple media formats (1XQD, XQD, SD, SDHC)
    Not sure that's actually a benefit. I wish Nikon would just pick one.

    5. 915gm body-about 200gms heavier than previous versions.
    That comparison must be for DX bodies. It's only 35 grams(just over an ounce) heavier than the D810.

    That said, I'm pretty content with the performance of what I'm currently shooting. The single biggest driver for me would be the simplicity of a single body for all purposes. Will have to wait to see what sensor performance looks like to see if that is indeed a viable option. Then decide whether it's worth the net cost of upgrading.

  2. #22

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    Re: Nikon D850

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    We all have different needs based on what/how we shoot. For me the 850 may finally be a single body to suit all my needs. Which really simplifies traveling to and shooting in remote locations. In FF mode it will shoot 7fps which is sufficient for most wildlife(not too long ago I was thrilled to death with the D300 at that fps). If it's consistent with previous 800 series it will probably shoot a frame or two faster in crop modes(1.2x or 1.5x).

    Same MP count as some medium format bodies. And shooting in 1.5x crop mode(i.e.DX mode) you're still shooting equivalent pixel count as the D500 with the same focus module, likely better ISO performance, etc. With the built in crop modes shooting with the 200-500mm lens effectively gives you 200-750mm EFL. That's pretty cool.
    It's not only the amount of pixels, but the pixel density. Compared with medium format bodies you'll need a much faster shutter speed.


  3. #23

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    Re: Nikon D850


    Considering the focus stacking that you regularly do, is the automated focus stacking (or whatever they call it) added to the D850 of interest to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    I wish Nikon would just pick one [memory card format].
    I do too, but only so long as it's the only format I've been using for years.

  4. #24
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D850

    Another feature that seems to be getting a lot of press is the fold-out rear screen (touch screen as well). This is something else people have been asking for on a high end camera.

    I was looking to upgrade, but with now having a D810 that is only a few weeks old, I suspect I will hold back until the D850's successor comes out.

  5. #25

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    Re: Nikon D850

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post

    Considering the focus stacking that you regularly do, is the automated focus stacking (or whatever they call it) added to the D850 of interest to you?
    You're confusing me with someone else. I don't do any focus stacking. That is a pretty cool feature though.

  6. #26

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    Re: Nikon D850

    Sorry, Dan (NorthernFocus)! I was thinking of DanK.

  7. #27
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    Re: Nikon D850

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Sorry, Dan (NorthernFocus)! I was thinking of DanK.

    As I understand it, the D850 only takes a series of captures, leaving it to the user to do the stack in software later. That's as I would want it. I would never give up control of the stacking process to camera firmware. Having the firmware calculate the appropriate focus differences would be a nice convenience, eliminating the need for guesswork or tethered shooting with software such as Helicon Remote. (I have done so much of this that I am fine with guesswork--I undoubtedly end up sometimes with too many images, but I virtually never end up with too few, which is where problems arise). However, from the one review I have read, Nikon didn't make the smallest increments small enough to be useful to me. According to the review, the smallest step is 3.3mm. That seemed way to big to me, so I checked the calculator on this site, which gives DOF at 1:1 with a FF body of about 1 mm.

  8. #28

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    Re: Nikon D850

    Thanks for that information, Dan. Very helpful. Perhaps Nikon will introduce smaller focusing increments in future models or maybe even by updating the D850 firmware.

  9. #29

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    Re: Nikon D850

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    .. Nikon didn't make the smallest increments small enough to be useful to me. According to the review, the smallest step is 3.3mm...
    The article stats rhe smallest incrementis FL/30. They use a 100mm lens for the example thus 3.3mm. Still not feasible to get to your 1mm. Maybe not a useful feature from true macro but could be quite useful for shooting flowers etc.

  10. #30

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    Re: Nikon D850

    This article explains that the first batch of cameras isn't large enough to meet all pre-orders.

  11. #31

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    Re: Nikon D850

    I hope they sell a boatload of them. The more there are in circulation the sooner any potential issues will show up. Also the quicker they start to show up on the used market.

    Unfortunately this morning I saw a side by side comparison of D850/810 and my blissful ignorance was dispelled. But logically when one only utilizes at most 25 percent of the features of one's current kit, it makes little sense to consider upgrading. Logically....

  12. #32
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    Re: Nikon D850

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    I hope they sell a boatload of them. The more there are in circulation the sooner any potential issues will show up. Also the quicker they start to show up on the used market.

    Unfortunately this morning I saw a side by side comparison of D850/810 and my blissful ignorance was dispelled. But logically when one only utilizes at most 25 percent of the features of one's current kit, it makes little sense to consider upgrading. Logically....
    What's logic got to do with desire?.....

  13. #33

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    Re: Nikon D850

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    But logically when one only utilizes at most 25 percent of the features of one's current kit, it makes little sense to consider upgrading. Logically....
    I doubt that I've ever used more than 25% of a camera's capabilities including the film cameras I owned. For me, the reason to upgrade has always been just a few or perhaps as little as one capability provided by a new camera. In other words, it's not the number of new capabilities that motivates me to upgrade; it's the importance of the few or one new capability. Perhaps, just perhaps, that explains why my main camera was discontinued years ago.

  14. #34

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    Re: Nikon D850

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    What's logic got to do with desire?.....
    Not much. And certainly nothing to do with lust

  15. #35

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    Re: Nikon D850

    45.7 Megapixels, 7 FPS Continuous Shooting, 64-25,600 SO Expandable to 102,400, 4K UHD 3840 x 2160 at 30/25/24p.
    Thinking to swap my old one and get this one as I love travelling....

  16. #36
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    Re: Nikon D850


    Welcome to CiC.

    Could you please go to the top right of the screen and edit your profile to include your location and real name? We use real names here, and locations often help people decide how to respond.

    Also, inactive threads aren't removed from the site. The only way to know whether a thread is still active is to look at the date of the last posting, which is at the top left of the post.

  17. #37

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    Re: Nikon D850

    Quote Originally Posted by KindachiShota View Post
    ...Thinking to swap my old one and get this one as I love travelling....
    That's as good an excuse as any.

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