29th August 2017, 07:56 PM
Five Dog Composite
These five dogs (4-Yorkies and 1-Maltese) have been temporary fosters with Judy and me while they are neutered or spayed, have dental work done and get their portraits shot. They will be going to their new, more permanent, fosters soon. Except for Peaches whom we will foster!

Our organization rescued these dogs from a puppy mill. They are all about six to eight years old and will make great pets... They are from a group of fifteen dogs that our organization received from the puppy mill bust... The other nine dogs are with fosters in the Los Angeles area...
Using different backgrounds makes it easier to identify the dogs after I have shot their portraits. I simply jot down the name of the dog and the type background as I am shooting them. This is really important when I am shooting a group of dogs quickly. I shoot each dog on a separate CF card and when I open the images in Adobe Bridge, the first image shows the WhiBal card on the background, so I know which dog is on the card...
Our vet is great - she is going on vacation on Wednesday. We didn't know that we were getting the dogs until Sunday afternoon and called her first thing Monday morning. She let us bring three dogs in on Monday and two dogs on Tuesday...
Last edited by rpcrowe; 29th August 2017 at 08:11 PM.
29th August 2017, 09:11 PM
Re: Five Dog Composite
What a bunch of cute pups. Great idea with the color coding. When shooting high volume it really helps to come up with a system.
How do the dogs from puppy mills behave toward people. Do they still bond well? Are they skittish?
30th August 2017, 12:18 AM
30th August 2017, 01:31 AM
Re: Five Dog Composite
Thanks John...
Thanks Dan... We have had a range of personalities from puppy mill dogs... Some are surprisingly affable while others are so anti-social that that will turn away from us and try to pretend that we are not there. We have not experienced many who are biters. Usually, biters come from homes in which they have been overtly mistreated, not just mistreated by neglect of attention.
It sometimes takes an extended time to socialize both puppy mill and mistreated dogs. What can really help is when a dog is treat oriented. The quickest way to a dog's heart can be through its stomach.
However, when I bring one of these dogs around is a a great feeling. I have sometimes worked for weeks just to get a dog to accept a treat from me...
30th August 2017, 05:41 AM
Re: Five Dog Composite
Is Apple, Peaches and Nia related? These puppies are look alike, they are really cute.
30th August 2017, 10:06 AM
Re: Five Dog Composite
I like Apple and Jo-Jo's portrait best, Richard. They look like they are smiling at you when you took those shots. What is wrong with Peaches' ear or is that just a bad angle one?
30th August 2017, 04:38 PM
Re: Five Dog Composite
Joyce... We know nothing about the heritage of any of these dogs. We don't suspect that they are related...
Izzie... There is nothing wrong with Peaches' ear. It is however, shaped a bit funny.
I just wish that Canon would include an audio record system that would link to the individual images so I could identify the images that way... My very first digital camera, Olympus 5050 had that capability (it also had dual memory card slots and a lot of other nice features). The audio recording would also be nice for recording information about travel images. Some of the Canon 1D series cameras have this capability so Canon owns the technology. They just don't deem it necessary for the 7D and 7D2 line of cameras
30th August 2017, 05:30 PM
Re: Five Dog Composite
Excellent photos!
You are doing wonderful work for those dogs.
My dog came from a shelter and has become a great friend and companion.
30th August 2017, 06:58 PM
Re: Five Dog Composite
Robert - thanks... The dogs we foster are wonderful! I have one little girl sitting on my lap as I write this...
We just received a photo from the family that adopted our little, Oreo, the black and white puppy that was born in our home. Oreo is about four pounds and the image shows him sleeping cuddled up to he family dog, a 70 pound female yellow Labrador. When I did the home inspection, as soon as she saw the puppy, the Lab's tail started to wag and she came over to kiss it...
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